This is the Archived Blog of Tina Hunter. For new posts go to

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Week Three

You're wondering what happened to week two, right?

Well, My friend Rox calls everything before week two PPC: Pre-Pincher-Creek.

D has been looking at getting into a new trade, wind turbine technician. This would take him to southern Alberta, most likely to Pincher Creek. This of course sent my head into nowhere land, because I deal with change so well (that's sarcasm).

Anyway, since September 19th until now, I've written just under 1000 words. Ouch!

So, I have 11 days until the PureSpec conference. I think I may have to settle for my very first goal... having one or two chapters done. I have finished chapter one, so I've already hit that goal.

I think goals and me just don't work. I have to write because I want to, not because I have to.

I'm going to work on cleaning up chapter one a little more and then I'll be sending it to my tutor and see what he has to say about this change in direction.

On a side note: Pincher Creek is quite pretty, however unless I can find a job there I don't think we'll be moving anytime soon.

Have a great thanksgiving long weekend. We'll chat before the conference.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week One

*NOTICE: I've changed my 30 day novel into a 40 day novel. This is because doing a chapter every three days sounded nicer to me than one every 2 and half days. I came up with this on Friday morning so I'm not trying to soften the pain of the word counts you will see below.*

I wanted to do weekly updates on my novel progress, but Tuesday's are such good days for me to blog, I think I'll cheat this week and update you on only 5 days of work (Thursday to Monday). I'll let you know right now, my word count is not were I want it to be.

Goal word count on Monday - 12,500 words

Actual words on Monday - 2,634 words (ouch)

To be fair, that is a lot of words to write in 5 days. Here is the word count break down:
Thursday - 1,001
Friday - 0
Saturday - 497 (and edited the 1,001 words from Thursday)
Sunday - 0
Monday - 1,136

You can tell which day's I freaked out. Doubts filled my head and would not leave. I sat down in front of the computer on both of those 0 word count days, but my brain was so frozen in fear of what I was trying to do that nothing coherent come out.

Even Saturday was a lost day. I tried to write, but all I could think of was how awful that first paragraph sounded. And, you know how it is. Once you go back to edit one paragraph the next one could use just a little bit of tweaking too.

I'm no where near my goal.... but I'm almost done my first chapter and that is something to be proud of. And it's something to keep me going. I can't keep freaking out because I'm trying something new, so I've told myself that I'm just going to try. There will be no consequence if I don't finish on time, because this is just an experiment.

Surprise, surprise. Once my subconscious believed me, I was able to write out over a thousand words in less than two hours yesterday. I'm slowly getting back up to my 1000 words an hour, and that is also something that will make this 40 day novel adventure worth it.

"Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking across the floor". One week down, five weeks to go.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

A 30 day novel?

I have exactly 30 days... from today until the October conference, Pure-SPEC.

What am I going to do with those 30 days? Well, I'm going to try and write my novel.

I'm sure you've heard of NaNoWriMo (you write a novel during the month of November), and several of my writing friends are thinking of signing up for it. I really wanted to, but I wasn't sure if I should wait until then to start the novel I'm working on now, or start now and work on something else for November.

(Side note: I finished my outline for LLR last night, and I'm ready to go.)

So, I've decided to give writing a novel in a month a try... right now. While NaNoWriMo has you aim for only 50,000 words, I'm aiming for 100,000. Is it possible? Of course it is. Will it be hard? You bet. If I don't finish in exactly 30 days its not that big of a deal, but getting 90% of it done is where I'd like to be as a minimum.

I just feel the need to finish something big. Yes, I've done short stories, and even a novella for the 3-day novel contest... but I want to say, "I've written a Novel." I'll worry about it getting published later, right now I just want to have something I could even submit.

So here I go. I wrote the first 50 words last night, just to get a feel for it, and now I'm jumping in. Day One, Chapter One, let's start this word count going.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

So Close

Ever feel so close you could taste something?

I'm stressed out. I've got too much day job work, too many family events, and D is thinking about going to school in a different province next year. Too much stuff is going on. I want all of it to stop... because I'm so close to being finished my outline, I'm itching to just start writing.

I know better. If I don't have a complete outline of how things are supposed to go at the end, I'll mess up the beginning and have to rewrite it anyway. Sounds odd? That's just how it works. I have to know the end before I can write the beginning. So, I wait for tomorrow.

Wednesday, Library day. The day were I get to take a few hours out of my life and just focus on writing. It's a permanent fixture in my week, and I honestly can't remember how I got by without it. Tomorrow, I should be finished my outline, and then I can start my novel.

I want to have a couple of chapters done really quickly. Not only do I have to get back in touch with my tutor (from my novel writing course), but there is another conference coming up in the middle of October and I want to have a few chapters done by then. Not that I'll actually show them to anyone, I just want to be able to say that I am on Chapter X, and I started writing in mid-September. I've got a month. Think I can do it? Hmmm.... Maybe, just two chapters...

Still, plotting can be really fun. Who knew the Galder Elves seeking revenge on their Pure Elf cousins, would play such an integral role in my novel? (Galder Elves are creatures of my invention, and no I won't go into an explanation right now).

I hope you have a fantastic writing week, and I'll keep you posted on the progress of my novel (Love Light Rising) as it unfolds.


(PS: I only have three more boxes to unpack before I can say that I've officially moved in. We've only been here for a month and half, so that's not bad at all.)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

3-Day Done

I did it!!!

This weekend was intense. I wrote for long hours, had minimal food and sleep, but somehow I completed a 75 page novella that's not that bad. The weekend went something like this:

Saturday - Got up at 8:30 ready to go, but the writing came hard and slow. It started picking up in the afternoon and evening, but my new-old laptop (new for me but actually old) decided to break... yeah, Ok, I broke it accidentally. I finished off the day around 8pm.

Sunday - most of the day was spent looking for, buying, and setting up a new laptop. I didn't get started until around 4:30 in the afternoon. (yikes) So I pushed my sleeping limits and wrote right into the wee hours of the morning.

Monday - Starting writing around 9:30am. By this time my body was sore from sitting, so I tried writing standing up with my laptop on a bookshelf, kneeling on the ground, even on my stomach (which I won't recommend). I wrote for 15 hours in total and came in just under the wire (meaning I wrote right until midnight).

My novella (because it's a bit too short to be called a novel) is called "Beloved Child", and has 6 chapters, a prologue and an epilogue (it's sitting at 19,108 words). And unfortunately, I'm submitting this is unedited, because I pushed the midnight deadline just to finish. I did go through as I was writing to make sure things were spelt correctly and such (and it's very possible I missed some), but I did nothing of real editing.

I read through it last night before bed (yes, between midnight and 3am). There are a couple of choppy bits, some bits that don't seem to make sense, but over all it's not half bad. It's really fast paced, more than I'm used to, but hey... it was written in three days, so of course it's going to be fast paced. I also wrote a little blurb after "THE END" that goes over what I've learnt from this. This truly was an experiment in trying to write an entire story from the bad guy's point of view, and I did that. I also manage to write my very first (and second) fight scene, and I don't think I did too badly.

I must have needed the sleep today though. Yes, I went to bed at 3am, but I slept until 2:30pm this afternoon. I haven't done that since I was 15 years old.

I'm glad it's over. It surprisingly painful to write for that long every day, but at the same time, it was very rewarding. Because this was an experiment for me, I pushed my limits. I got really depressed at one point because writing from the bad guy's point of view doesn't give you a lot of hope. Yet overall, I found a way to push passed it. I think the end result turned out pretty good. (oh, I also found out that I love short sentences right now, and I think I used them a bit too much. Oops)

If you get a chance to do it next year, I would recommend it. I might even join you.... Hmmm, do I really want to do this more than once? Probably :)

Have a good one,


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

3-Day Check List

My preparation check list for the 3-Day Novel Contest:

√ Finished my outline for "Beloved Child"
√ Got a desk for the spare bedroom
√ Got a laptop for the spare bedroom
_ Need to set up the spare bedroom with my new desk and laptop
_ Need to buy healthy snacks for the weekend
_ Need to figure out what D is doing for the weekend (so I know if I'll be home alone or not)
_ Need to clean the apartment so I'm not tempted to do it over the weekend

I should have all of this done by the end of the week. It is only Tuesday.

I hope to update you on my word counts throughout the contest, but I won't guarantee it. I will be working in a room with no Internet (because I get distracted easy), so my online time will be limited to an hour or so a day. I'll try and let you know how I'm doing, but it may just be after the fact.

If you are doing the 3-day novel contest, good luck. If not, please be cheerleaders for those of us risking our sanity to participate. Have a good one.


PS: I received my USA stamps, finally, so "Pain and Blood"(my 2nd short story) is now on it's way to Analog Magazine. Cross your fingers for me.

Monday, August 27, 2007

3-Day Count Down

5 more sleeps until it's time to play the 'lets-write-a-novel-in-3-days' game.

I'm excited... and nervous... and wondering what I was thinking when I signed up for this, but I'll be fine. This is a great experience, and have a great idea, and all I have to do now is sit down and write.

So way does it seem so hard?

Update: In the past week, I have created an entire species history for the Vinlue (my alien race in 'White Cats and Suicide'). I have also plotted out the first 7 chapters of 'Love Light Rising', but the rest of it will have to wait until after the weekend. For the rest of this week, I plan on plotting out my 3-day fantasy novel idea 'Beloved Child', and preparing for the 3-day. Busy, Busy, Busy.

On a side note, check out this website This Canadian site lets people vote on comic book ideas that they would like to see developed. I'm not normally a comic book fan, but this looks like a pretty cool interactive site.

Have a great writing day,


Monday, August 20, 2007

Con-Version 23

OK. Here is my attempt at explaining what happened this weekend.

Friday, we (two members of my writing support group, Eileen and Billie, and myself) arrived in Calgary around 2pm. We settled in and went down to registered around 4pm. There wasn't a lot of people around yet, but I guess not a lot of people show up on the Friday.

The opening ceremonies were at 7pm, and we got to meet all the guests of honor. Brian Hades from EDGE announced that they were merging with Dragon Moon books. We were the first ones to hear the news.

After the ceremonies we went to the dealers room to see who was selling what. Brian Hades was there with his team (Janice and Justyn from Marketing, and his lovely wife Anita) and our picture was taken with them for the EDGE newsletter. Eileen, Billie and myself hung around and chatted with them for a while. What amazing people. Really good natured and open. Brian and I chatted about my work and about the fact that I'm new at all of this.

There was a musical at 8pm that was hilarious. It was a mixture of Phantom of the opera and Star Trek, in a completely original script. It was lots of fun. After that, we three headed for our room. We spent a good portion of the night brain storming, and went to bed around midnight.

Saturday, we headed down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Thinking we had more than enough time to eat (it was 9am and the first panel was at 10) we ordered breakfast. We didn't get it until 9:45am. We were a little pissed off to say the least, but we weren't going to let it ruin the day.

The panels I went to were; Current Trends in SF&F for Kids and Teens, Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Introducing EDGE, When Biology Goes Bad, and Historical European Martial Arts. Eileen and Billie when to a few different panels but it was mostly the same ones.

We went for dinner at Tony Roma's with a large group of people from the Con. Eileen knew a few of them from a workshop she had just gone to in Calgary a few days before. The service was much better then at breakfast.

Eileen and I tried to go to the dance that night but it just wasn't our thing. We did end up hanging out in the Con-Suite for a few hours talking to the Biologist from the "When Biology Goes Bad" panel, Bill (William) Gibson. We talked a lot about my novella 'White Cats and Suicide', and he gave me some phenomenal advice. Eileen talked with a gamer who helped her with the world building in her novel 'Virago'. Another late night but some awesome ideas were had by all.

Sunday, there was a brunch provided, and the three of us sat at a table with Brian Hades and team (Janice and Justyn) and Bill Gibson. What a brunch! Ideas and discussions bouncing around the table for an hour and half. But we had to leave and go clean out the room. We checked out and made it to our last two panels; Unconventional Religion and SF, and Alternative Archaeology.

Last but not least was the Blue Pencil Cafe. It was pre-registered 10 minute one-on-one sessions with Brian Hades. It was amazing. He answered all my questions and offered career advice. If you ever get to meet the man, I highly suggest you do. He told me to keep in touch and I planned to.

We didn't leave right after that like we had planned. We actually hung out in the lounge with Justyn for an hour, talking about un-writing-related topics. When we finally left, it was with carry over excitement about our writing.

I did keep in touch with Brian Hades, I emailed him this morning offering to be a volunteer reader for the EDGE (and now Dragon Moon) slush pile. It's a really good opportunity, and he was all for it. I'll get my first package in the mail sometime soon. How exciting. I'm also in touch with Bill Gibson, the genetic biologist from the University of BC. He has fantastic ideas, and really knows how to keep a story real, even if it's science fiction.

Life is good. I'll chat with you soon.



Well things certainly have a way of changing rather quickly.

It's still too soon to go into all the details from the conference, there was just too much going on. However, there was something that happened that was quite profound.

My novel "Athea", the one I have been working on forever, has officially been set aside. I have grown too much in the last while for the writing in it to have kept up, and plot is now too slow and boring for me. I know I can do better. So it is with great respect for everything this novel has helped me learn, that I set it aside. I will come back to it later, but I think I will have to re-work the entire plot.

So, this means I have decided to take on my second novel idea, as my first. "Love Light Rising" needs to be plotted out a bit more, but I think I can start on it soon. Maybe even tonight. Things are exciting. I can write faster now then a could before, and I have a set schedule I can implement to get it done. This novel will not take me very long to finish, and that's a good feeling.

I'll keep you all posted on the developments. (hmm I wonder how my tutor will take this shift in my choice of novel?)


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Week Wrap Up

What a week...

I am officially taking part in the 3-Day Novel Contest. I sent in my registration today.

I also finished editing my short story "Pain and Blood", and I'm just waiting on US stamps to send it out to Analog Magazine.

And... I leave tomorrow to go the the Fantasy and Science Fiction Conference "Con-Version".

"What was that? It just went speeding by?"

"That's just C M Hunt, the author. She's flying."


Monday, August 13, 2007

My 1st Rejection

Well it finally happened.

Today, it is with great pleasure that I share with you the contents of my very first rejection letter from the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. It is a standard "thanks but no thanks letter". Not good, but not bad either.

"Dear Ms. Hunter: Thank you for submitting "Freedom Fire," but I'm going to pass on it. This tale didn't grab my interest, I'm afraid. Good luck to you with this one, and thanks again for sending it our way."

I am proud of this letter because it proves that I have jumped into the game, and that I'm ready to play. The best and only way to fight 'Rejection', is to hit it right back with 'Persistence'. Therefore, it's time to file this letter away and send Freedom Fire on to it's next possible home, ON SPEC.

(And as an FYI, I am sending out Pain and Blood, my second short story, to Analog Magazine on Wednesday.)

As a side note: The Science Fiction and Fantasy Conference is on Friday. I'm getting excited. Looks like there will be time to write while I'm there, as well as before and after the conference. There also seems to be lots of interesting sessions taking place. Right now I want to go to all of them, but I'm sure that once I'm there it'll be easier to pick and choose (I hope). I'll let you know how it goes.

Have a good one,


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

An Update...

Well I certainly let this slip a bit didn't I? Thanks Capt'n for the nudge.

A month has gone by. WOW. Well, what have I done...

I moved, that one should be obvious. We haven't finished unpacking yet but it's starting to feel like home.

I finished 2 short stories. The 1st one, a fantasy, was sent out to a magazine. I should hear back from them in a week or two (they are in New Jersey). The second one is out to my readers, and once I have it back I'll send this one out too. Time to get my name out there.

I've been working on my novel edits as well, but not enough to send chapter 2 to my tutor. Sigh, I'll get on that.

I've also been working on my novella. I'm going to rework the angle a bit and send it to the Writers of the Future contest. Should be interesting. The first place winners (and some times 2nd and 3rd place depending on size) get published in an anthology and all finalists win money. Can't go wrong.

Last, I became a board member for the newly formed Edmonton Writers Centre. I won't write too much about this on here since this is supposed to be about my writing, but I'll direct you the Centre's website once it's up and running.

I think that's all I've done over the last month, writing related. I did go to two weddings, and enjoyed a pig roast weekend with the small community at my step-dad's cabin on the lake, but that's about it.

This month I'm going to the Calgary science fiction and fantasy convention "Con-Version 23". My first Con. I'm very excited. It's only a little over a week away. I'm going to be surrounded by science fiction geeks, H. Potter lovers, fantasy obsessors, and costumed fans. It's going to be great.

I'm also taking part in the 3 day novel contest. It's a crazy event that starts at midnight on August 31st (September 1st really) and lasts until midnight on Monday. The whole labor day long weekend is spent writing a novel. Granted it's a short novel (novella), but it's should be a really neat experience. I already have an idea in place.

Things are really heating up. I get my "Author" picture taken soon, and I'll post it on my website as soon as I have it. I just can't believe how productive I was this past while, even with the stresses of moving. Things are looking up.

I hope you are having a fantastic day.


Monday, July 09, 2007


Well, I'm not the happiest person on the planet, but I better off than I was on Friday.

We found a place to live. It's not great, but it's not bad either... and it's a roof over my head.

So now that the chaos has been averted, I thank all of you who helped me out over the last week and an half (was it really that short of a time frame?). All your encouraging words, and emails containing millions of ads, was all very appreciated. Thanks.

Onward and forward. Wednesday is Library day and I'm looking forward to getting some writing done, at last. I did manage to throw some researching into the last week, so that it wasn't a complete loss. I'll do some writing on Wednesday, go to a wedding on Friday, and start packing on the weekend. Busy week ahead of me.

In closing, I'll leave you all with an affirmation. These are helpful phrases to help you through just about anything. Here is the one I used this weekend:

I have the strength and courage to face all of life's challenges!

Have a great day!


Thursday, July 05, 2007


I'll keep this brief.

I'm still looking for a place to call home. 3 weeks, 4 days and counting. We have found a couple maybes but one was super tiny and the other was kinda grungy. The tiny one we said no to, but the grungy one is big and cheaper than most we've found (you get what you pay for right?).

We're going to try and squeeze another viewing in tomorrow before 'D', my boyfriend, leaves for the weekend. He's going on a boys camping trip to Jasper. Perfect timing don't you think?

That means I'm on my own this weekend trying to find an apartment. I hope we decide on one before he leaves. That would mean that all I have to do is the paper work and give them money. Otherwise, we'll have to wait until Monday.

Things are going so quickly in this city. An ad came up in the paper and I called at noon to ask about it. It was already gone someone came by and put the damage deposit down that morning. Granted it was for an amazing price but still... people are desperate.... and I might be one of them soon.

Sorry to rant about something completely not related to writing. I haven't gotten any writing done since I found that nasty note under my door last Friday. This weekend will be such a waste of valuable writing time. (sigh)

Hope your having a better week than I am. Cheers.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

New Everything

I walk into my apartment on Friday after work. It's 5pm and I'm looking forward to reading a bit and having a relaxing evening. I almost step on a notice that had been slipped under the door, 3 in fact.

The first one says the building I live in was sold on Thursday, and here is the new contact information for the landlord. The second one says the caretaker of the building is moving into a different apartment number and we can drop off our rent there from now on. The new owners don't accept cash, and rent must be in the form of a cheque or money order. So far so good. I couldn't understand why someone wouldn't take cash but it's a not life or death issue.

The third one is addressed to me and says "Your lease agreement is up for renewal on July 31st. We hereby serve you notice that we will NOT be renewing your agreement and expect possession of your apartment by noon on July 31st."

I'm being evicted.

"Jump on a plane and fly me to Canada." A civilized, first world country. You would think that having a place to live would be a basic necessity. You know, "food, clothing, shelter", the stuff we learnt in the 5th grade. But I guess it's not so in Alberta. If I don't find another apartment in the next 4 weeks, we might just be buying a tent and joining the hundreds of working homeless who live and work here in Edmonton. What a joke.

I called the new owners to ask what was going on, and they basically told me the rent in my apartment building was too low. They won't be renewing any one's lease. Once we're out, they'll be gutting and renovating our apartment so they can charge, "a lot more money". Hurray for capitalism.

The rest of my weekend was spent looking for an apartment. Here's a fun fact. Surrey, BC has cheaper rent then Alberta. British Columbia! How's that for "catching up to the other top five cities in Canada." I think we've surpassed that. Edmonton is on par with Toronto, the capital of the Country. Calgary is the 2nd highest in rent, next to Vancouver. Vancouver I can understand, they have an Ocean. Alberta has oil. One of those will run out, can you guess which one?

Sorry about my rant but this really burnt. In four weeks, I have no idea were I'm going to call home. That isn't the nicest feeling in the world.

Cheers to all you starving artists. Life bites, but never give up on your dreams. They're the only things that will keep you sane.


Friday, June 29, 2007

Grammar and S.L.

I haven't been very good at keeping you up to date, have I?

This past week has just flown by. The sad part is I've done next to no writing... except for on Library day.

There were no new words written, however I did edit my short story and most of my Chapter One... again. Why?

My tutor got back to me. I sent him my Outline, Chapter One, and Short Story. He went through and edited them for me, telling me all the things that were wrong with it. It hurt at first, I'm not going to lie - he's very blunt - but he did come across a major flaw in my writing skill set.

My grammar, spelling, syntax, etc., sucks!

I knew this. I always just assumed I would hire an editor to edit my manuscript before I sent it out. I know how bad I am at stuff like that. But it's come down to the fact that an editor might be able to get rid of my grammar problems, but will it end up sounding the same? Maybe, but I don't know. My tutor has made me doubtful of using that option.

So, I've decided to give learning this junk a try. I bought a couple books on the subject and plan on working through them this weekend. I'm back to the beginning but it's not that bad. Chapter two is already edited in my mind, so if I can learn even just a little bit of this stuff, that'll be good enough for me. Then I'll send my tutor Chapter two and all will be well (until I get it back).

On a side note, I encourage everyone to stay away from Second Life. If you don't know what I'm talking about - good, stay that way. If you do, here is my reason why.

It's so bloody addictive that you loose what little time you have in Real Life, doing nothing. How many of you can spend an hour just on getting your avatar to look good? You know you've done it. I'm not saying Second Life is all bad, it's an amazing way to network, but almost everything else you can do just surfing the net.

I realize it might just be me who gets addicted to stuff like, I've had to delete the program because that's all I did every night for a week straight, but if you're not careful, your Real Life might just pass you by.

OK, that's all I've got to say on that.

I hope you have a fantastic long weekend. If I don't talk to you before Sunday, Happy Birthday Canada.


Friday, June 22, 2007

A Writing Centre?

I've been distracted the last couple of days, haven't written anything since Tuesday.

The reason is because someone came up with the great idea to start an Edmonton Writing Centre. I was pumped when I heard. It was going to be at the downtown public library, which I thought was convenient since I go there anyway, but also a little odd. What kind of area would they have? Still, I was excited.

So when I go there on Tuesday, after typing up a whole bunch of words on a computer upstairs, I went down stairs and ask for directions to "the writing centre". The librarian replied, "It's very informal." and pointed me towards the back corner of the library. There in the corner was 4 tables and 7 chairs, no signs, no writer specific anything, and anyone could use it.

I was so disappointed, I almost turned around and walked back upstairs to the table and chairs I'd been using for the last month. If it wasn't for my writing friend urging me to stay, I would have left.

So the last couple of days, I have been playing with how a REAL writing centre could be set up. I have numbers, incorporation information, and survey questions. Not to mention all the contacts I came up with, just by asking them if they would interested in helping out a hypothetical business.

But see now I'm in a pickle. I'm very interested in this venture. I can see how much interest there is out there for a centre like this, and I've done a bunch of leg work to know it financially possible to do..... but there is another guy out there who has already started to put this together (mind you its not very good at the moment). I've tried to get in touch with him, but we haven't spoken yet.... I'm not really sure what to say to him when I get a chance to.

"Hi, I think the Writing Centre, the way it is right now, is junk. So I've come up with a better way to put it together." Yeah that'll go over well. What happens if he already has a plan? What if he's just being really, really slow about putting it together? Maybe I should just drop the whole thing and not get involved.

(sigh) Things are never just easy with me, are they? I finally get my writing going great and I go and get distracted by wanting to help start up a business... I'll keep you posted.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cooking with Fire

Tuesday (today) - 895 words on WC&S, edited my short story, finished unit 10, and rewrote Chapter 3. (Library days are sooo good)

That's right folks. I have completed yet another chapter, and I am still moving onwards in the novella department (which I will eventually have to cut down, massively, but not today).

My writing friend shared the same feeling with me today. Its like we are on a sports team, and we just keep winning. Now we can see the playoffs in sight and we want that cup. Think of the playoffs as a finished novel and the cup as getting published. That's how I feel. Like this is how it should always be. Work hard and get rewarded. Put pen to paper enough and it gets to be a habit... and this is a really good habit.

It might sound like I'm getting worked up about nothing, but it's something to me. This is my dream, and I can finally get a taste for what it's like to be on the other side. To write full-time. To have my writing be my career and my only career.

... sure, I'd have to have a part time job because I would go Insane if I stayed inside the house all day, but still...

I'm sure you've had enough of my rambles for one day. Have a good one,


Monday, June 18, 2007

Chapter 2 - Done

Sunday was Father's day, and I spent the whole day running around and chatting to all sides of my re-married, and blended family. Not to mention including my boyfriend's side of the family this year, which is significantly smaller than mine. Believe it or not it was lots of fun.

Today, however, is the day I want to talk about. Today, I finished rewriting Chapter 2. TA DA!!! It actually isn't that big of a deal. I didn't change that much in this Chapter. Chapter 3 on the other hand, has some nifty changes (yes I said nifty).

So Step Two is moving along swimmingly. I'm two chapters in and can't wait to keep going. Only seven more chapters to go. * Remember, I'm only doing Chapters 1-9, Chapter 10 has to be redone so I'm counting it as part of the third step of my Three Step plan.*

On a side note, we've decided not to keep looking for a house. It's just not the right time for us to buy, especially in this market. We'll just keep renting out our downtown apartment for a while longer (like a year or two). Stupid inflated market.

Sunday - 0 words
(Today) Monday - Finished rewriting Chapter Two

Minus the fact that its hailing outside my window, it looks like it'll be a good day... to write at least. Have a good one.


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Keeping it up

Things have been really good lately.

On Thursday I wrote a short story. A real one this time. It's 1,887 words. Under 2000. That's pretty good for me. I've sent it out to a few readers to see what they think. I can't wait to hear their responses, so I can edit this thing and send it out. My first submission. It'll be good. I'm expecting to be rejected at least a few times. No author goes without getting a few of those.

Today, Saturday, I've been working on my novella and rewriting my novel. It's going good. You can see my word counts below on how much I did on WC&S. But I also finished rewriting Chapter One in my novel. Onwards to Chapter Two! Things are cooking.

I haven't heard back from my tutor on unit 9 yet, but that's ok. It did take me almost 3 months to finish the silly unit, I can give him a week or two to get back to me.

I think that's it for now. Keep plugging along. I will.

Word Counts

Thursday: 1,887 words on Freedom Fire (short story)
Friday: 0 words
Today: 510 words on WC&S, finished rewriting Chapter One


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Step One - Complete

My novel outline is finished, which means step one of my three step plan to finish my novel is done.

On to step two, reworking chapters 1-9 in my novel to fit the new outline. I'm feeling good. Things are coming into place. This nagging, urgent NEED to write is actually helping out quite a bit. (Check out my blog post May Long Weekend to see my full three step plan)

I also finished unit 9 in my writing course and I'm sending it on to my tutor as we speak (or type rather).

I know this is a short update, but come on... I'm writing a novel here. Gotta keep the momentum going. I won't have any 'new word' counts for you in my next update, but I will keep you updated on how much I've reworked.

Happy writing,


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Novella & Novel

I've been working on my novella at the same time as I've been working on my novel outline. So far, so good.

Yesterday was Library day, and a really good writing day. I wrote 1,001 words on "WC&S", and still spent an hour working on my outline (which is getting closer and closer to being done). I've been outlining Chapters 6 - 9 the last few days, but I'm finding that by finishing the beginning, things at the end HAVE to change.

Your thinking, "um, duh!" right? Well, I guess in a way I knew this, just like anyone reading this would in theory... But its different when you're staring at your whole novel, seeing all the plot lines and obstacles and problems, and finally see all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. To finally see what was meant to happen here, not just the general idea of it. It's no longer about what I've changed here or there, it's about what this story has become... and it's AWESOME!!!!! It really is so much better then what it started out as.

Anyway, I just thought I would leave an update. Hope you're having a good one.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Job, Homes and Writing?

I haven't written a new post in a while. Shame on me.

I've been trying to do too many things at once, and it's been bogging me down: Write my outline, buy a house, save the world at work, you know that standard BS.

Work I need to relax about. There is no way I can save the world by stressing myself out to the max. In fact, I'll probably just end up with a sick day. Then how much help would I be? Just keep counting... two more years and then no more day job... that's the goal anyway.

Buying a house is just stressful in a normal market, let alone a market that increases 3% between the time I started looking (beginning of may) until last week. That's about $12,000 in a month. I don't know how much longer we'll keep looking before we give up, and/or get priced out of the market entirely. I'm hoping our rent doesn't go up too high next month, or we may be in very big trouble.

Now for the good stuff... I'm almost done unit 9 in my course, after a month of staring at the blank page going, "huh?". It'll be great to get it done finally and out of my hands so I can work on the next unit... which surprisingly is about my novel outline.

My outline is going good. I only have four more chapters left to outline and then I can get into reworking the chapters I've got. It's really nice to be able to work on crafting larger sections of an idea again, to play with the subplots in there entirety rather than one small section of the larger piece. It definitely makes me like my story again, which is one of (if not THE) most important thing about writing. You have to want to write down the story in your head, otherwise why bother?

I've been helping out two of the ladies in my support group. They both finished a novel and sent it to the group to be critiqued (that's different from edited). Their stories were really good, and it was nice to know I helped mold a bit of their stories based on my comments. The two of us left who haven't finished a novel are working harder now that we can see what the end result looks and reads like. The pressure is on. I feel like I need a month of straight writing time, but I'm not going to get it. I'll just have to fit my writing time into this busy life I've built for myself.

Well, I think that's enough rambling on my part. Hope you're having a great day... and if you're a writer, I hope you're having an even better writing day.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

May Long Weekend

Ah yes the May long weekend. In Edmonton, we never have good weather on this weekend, yet most people still try to do stuff. Friends of mine are going camping, my boyfriend wants to go to Elk Island for a day hike, and the outdoor swimming pools are ready to open, pending the weather of course.

So what am I doing? Writing and watching it rain in +3C weather outside. (Suckers)

I've got no word count for you, because I've written no new words on my novel, but I've been working on it. This is the plan for my novel:

Step One: The Outline

I had a bunch of scrap paper with my new plot written down on it, but I hadn't incorporated it into the outline I have. I won't know what to keep of the words I've already written, if I don't go through my outline and mash my new idea into the old one and see what comes out. Thus far, I've already written out the outlines of the 1st three chapters and last nine chapters of the book, now I just need to work on chapters 4 -10.

Step Two: Re-Working What I've Got

This will be the part where I go through chapters one through ten and rework what I've already written, so that it fits with my new plot and outline. This will take a bit of time I'm sure, but it'll be worth it.

Step Three: New Words

Once I'm done reworking, I can start writing again. It'll be full steam ahead until I'm done the novel. That's when you'll see word counts on here again.

I think that's a pretty good plan. At least it keeps me focused on where I'm going. You'll also notice that I don't have a time line attached to each one. That's because of the Goal fiasco I had back in September. Remember? "I will be finished my novel by....", yeah you remember. You'll also remember that I came no where near close to finishing my novel. Oh well.

I finally got MS Word on my computer, so I don't have to wait until lunch breaks at work, or the library once a week to write. It's a good thing. Maybe my productivity will increase now that I can really write from home again.

I think that's all I've got right now. Hope your having a great writing day.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I'm Back!

I'm back, safe and sound, and I'm slowly getting back into the groove of things.

It was a wonderful week away from it all. It almost seems like a dream thinking back on it. Was I really there? (yes, and I have the pictures and tan lines to prove it)

I kept a travel log that will need some polishing (what with writing some of it very sleep deprived in an airport at who knows what hour of the day) but I plan on putting in online somewhere with a bunch of my pictures. Maybe in the fun section on my website, I'm not sure yet, but I'll let you know soon.

And thanks "Woman of Words" for the comment on my blog. I knew I had to update it, I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. It's funny because I changed my answering machine on my cell phone to let people know that I was away for the week. Well, a bunch of family members called me yesterday and left messages telling me to update my voicemail, because they also knew I was home.

Sigh, I guess it takes a few days to get everything back in order. I haven't even uploaded the pictures from my camera to the computer (its a digital). So as of yet, I have nothing to show for all this disorientation.

I was very jet lagged on Sunday, when I got home. So tired, in fact, that I cried that morning when we had to do laundry (yes, I'm a bit of a cry baby). All I wanted to do was go to bed. To be fair, I HAD been up for well over 24 hours. I took a nap that afternoon for a couple of hours and it seemed to help, but by 7:30pm I was done for the day and off to bed.

It was back to work on Monday. Back to the same old, same old. It's good though. I feel like I've had a good rest and can go for a while. I can tell you right now, I spent most of the trip on the beach, with the ocean lapping not 5 feet from my toes. Sleeping, reading, relaxing. It was awesome.

This whole trip helped a lot in terms of my novel too. While I was down there, I couldn't actually write. My brain wasn't there, but it almost was. It was like I was comparing everything around me to the world I created around Mikayla. How would Mikayla handle this heat? Would Mikayla's people have hats made of palm tree leaves? Would they take naps during the mid-day heat? Would her food taste like this or that? It was just really good to know what it feels like to be in that kind of heat, to swim in the ocean with heavy undertow and feel fish rubbing into your legs. Mostly just what it feels like to live on an island. I couldn't have asked for more, and I had a whole week of it. I'm going to take a few days to get back into real life mode and then it's dive, dive, dive into my writing. I'm looking forward to it. Like a friend you haven't seen in a while and can't wait to go for coffee to catch up.

The very scary thing is I need to really look at my plot. The story is supposed to be about Mikayla. Her journey. Her challenges. It's all about her. I think I've finally separated me from her enough (well as much as one can) so that I can look at her and say "OK, what is YOUR story?" I think she's missing something. She's not doing something she should on this journey of hers. Now I just need to know if it's major or minor. I think it'll be minor, but I want to be sure.

I'm starting this weekend. It's time to take that novel off the shelf and take a good hard look at it. My short story is easy (easier) and so I'll leave it for when I hit a wall, or need a break. Right now, I need to finish my novel. It's funny how something can turn from a want into a need.

I'm glad to be back, as much as it was fun to be away. It's good to be home.


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Leaving Tomorrow!

I leave tomorrow for Cuba. Well actually, I catch a flight to Toronto, then pop over to Montreal (4 hour stop-over there) and then I leave for Cuba. Should be a very, very long day.

Tonight I'm packing, so I'm pretty sure I'm not going to write anything tonight. Here are the rest of the days from this week:

Monday - 0 words
Tuesday - 0 words
Wednesday - 1114 words on WC&S + a bunch plotting/developing a brand new story outline
Thursday (Today) - 0 words

Tomorrow, well you never know. I will be traveling for 14 hours, I might be able to write a few words down. Then when I get back, I get to make a choice... whether to continue to focus my writing on my short story... or to jump back into my Novel and push full steam ahead!

A difficult choice. My short story is coming along nicely, but I still have close to 10,000 words to go before it's done.... I've already realized that short stories really aren't my thing. I like subplots and developing my characters too much to just write a simple story. My novel needs a lot of work, and it's been sitting on the back burner for a while now, but I really feel it's time to finish it up. Well, I guess you'll find out soon enough.

Tips I heard Today:

1) Always Have A Twist!

2) Try writing without the screen turned on, to let your subconscious write for you.

3) Purple Spotted Pink Stamping Elephants (this is more of a reminder to always have fun with your writing - even if you are writing about serious stuff - and to create an image in your readers mind quickly, using the least amount of words. Of course some will argue that you should never use this many descriptive words in one sentence, but that's another tip completely.)

Have a great week, I will!


Monday, April 23, 2007

4 more sleeps...

...til I'm in Cuba baby.

But you don't want to hear about that. You want to know how well I've been doing with my word counts. How close I am to having something published so that you can read it?

Tuesday - 1,000 words (approx) (library day)
Wednesday - 0 words
Thursday - 0 words (was home sick and in bed all day)
Friday - 0 words (again with the "in bed all day" thing)
Saturday - 0 words (ok, I'm getting annoyed here too)
Sunday - 0 words (I was busy getting stuff for my vacation)

OK, so I completely failed in getting a DAILY word count going, but at least I wrote something.

- Sigh -

I have more junk to do tonight, in the aim of getting ready for my trip (I leave Friday). Then there is a birthday dinner on Tuesday, and packing on Thursday.... I am planning on going to the library again on Wednesday, so at least I know I'll get some words in this week.

Hope your having a better week then me. If I don't talk to you before I leave, Have a Great Week, and I talk at you in the second week of May.

C. M. Hunt

Monday, April 16, 2007

What happened to my run?

There are many things I wish I knew more about... the one foremost in my mind is why I have dry spells like this:

Saturday - 0 words

Sunday - 0 words

Today, Monday - 0 words (unless you count the ones on this blog and in my journal)


OK, now that the I'm finished complaining... I've added some neat little word meters on the side of my blog. They will be tracking how far I am in my current works... which right now are my novel and short story. Looking at those little counters it's easy to feel better about how I'm doing. The little numbers underneath reflect: words written thus far/ total number of words expected. In truth I guess it looks OK, but as you can see from the daily numbers above, I'm not doing so great.

I'm going to the library again tomorrow, and I'm having dinner with some old writing friends of mine afterwards. I really hope to get some words down soon. As much as the pretty meters help me pretend I'm not doing that badly, I know I'm doing doing as well as I could.

I'm going to be digging hard these next two weeks. After that I'm in Cuba for a week, with no access to a computer (how will I survive). I had hoped to be finished my short story - or at least close to finished - before I left, so that I could polish it up and get right into my novel when I come home. That means pushing my daily word counts up into the "existent" numbers.

Smile for my. I need all the encouragement I can get at this point.


Saturday, April 14, 2007


Well, what to say.

I was doing really good... and I'm not doing half bad now... but I could be better.

Monday, April 9 - 0 Words

Tuesday, April 10 - 150 Words on random junk

Wednesday, April 11 - A freakin' lot of words (around 2000) on WC&S

Thursday, April 12 - 0 Words (are you starting to see a pattern here?)

Friday the 13th - 0 Words

Wednesday was the day I went to the Library with one of my fellow writers for some mutually encouraged writing. It was really good, as you can see, that was the day I did most of my writing this week. We are going again on Tuesday right before a Dinner with our old writing group. I really look forward to these day's.

I'm not sure what the problem with me is though. I just wish I had the self discipline to write everyday. I have to admit this is about a million times better then how I was doing a couple of months ago.

Maybe I should stop complaining. At least I'm writing. I could be sitting reading a book telling myself I should really write so that one day I could hold my own book in my hands. At least I'm working towards that goal more than one week out of the month (which is what I was doing before).

I know you're thinking, "hmm sorry but aren't you just working on a short story right now?" Well yes I am, but by being published, and getting my name out there, I have a better chance of getting picked up by a publisher for my novel. That's the general wisdom I keep hearing. I think it's about time I stoped trying to reinvent the wheel and learn from people who have been there.

Speaking of learning, I still havn't completed the next unit in my writing course. It deals with building up your tool box... you know, reference books, dictionary's, stuff directly related to your genre. I also have to build a list of phrase's, descriptions, quirky comments, etc, as a reference book of it's own. To add when I need something when I'm writing. Anyway, It's a little harder then I thought. I know you have to build things up over a longer period of time, but I still have to have a certain number done for this assignment. Meh, I'll come up with something... like my cuss o' matic phrase's, those are fun!

Ok, enough of this. I should get to my writing for the day. I know I don't have as much time today as I'd like but I only spent an hour and 1/2 at the library on Wednesday and look how much I wrote.

Keep writing.


Monday, April 09, 2007

The Long Weekend

I love long weekends. I normally get the full four days off, so currently I am sitting here with a full day ahead of me with nothing but what I want to do in front of me. That will be writing.

Update: My mother just called and wants to go for lunch. I also just remembered that I have a doctors appointment this afternoon. So much for the whole day ahead of me. - Sigh- I should be able to get a couple hours in, at least... I hope.

This writing ANY amount every day seems to be working. I've written somewhere between 100 words to 2,000 words everyday and that will get me finished faster than not writing at all. I'm also doing well about the every day thing. I took Friday off from writing but I think that's ok. I've written 5 days out of the last 6 (not counting today yet). Not bad for a starting point.

I'm looking forward to another library meeting, but it looks like it might not be on Wednesday. Silly life things are getting in the way and we might have to shuffle around the days a bit over the next couple of weeks. But I'm ok with it. So long as it in the cards somewhere I know it will help me keep this momentum going... and I'd really like to keep it going.

Haven't done another assignment for my tutor yet. I'm on unit 9 and unit 10 is about actually writing your novel. Since I haven't jumped back into my novel yet, I'm putting this on a slight hold until I get into it again (which should be when I get back from Cuba).

Word Count Update:

April 7th - 2,340 (approx) words on "WC&S"

April 8th - 490 (approx) words on "WC&S"

Theses are approximates because I was writing by hand and just took an average rather then count every word. Once I type them up on the computer I may update the numbers here... but then again, I might not.

Best get on with the day. Have a good one,


Saturday, April 07, 2007

She Keeps Going...

Here's the break down for the last two days:

April 5th - 106 words on "WC&S" (not much I know but at least it was something)

April 6th - Read through a friends manuscript and critiqued it. No new words on my own stuff.

I don't remember if I mentioned before, but I'm going away to Cuba in three weeks. I think it's about time I had a vacation. Also, It'll give me some real experiences to add to my novel. It is set on an Island. The only islands I've been on were Vancouver and Salt Spring. I think getting a more tropical view will help me out quite a bit in my re-write.

I've broken down my re-write into two parts. Part one- Easy Stuff: The first 5 chapters are basically fine, they only need minor changes. Part Two - Harder Stuff: After chapter 5, I need to add a chapter and re-write chapters 6 through 9 (or 7-10 if you add the new chaper). My current chapter 10 is ok as is but it needs some edits (and to be finished) so it doesn't fall under either parts. It's part of Phase 2: Writing the rest of the novel.

I'm giving myself a break from my novel until I get back from my vacation. Besides, White Cats and Suicide is really coming along. Well, best get back to it.


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Word Count

Now don't get your hopes up that I'll do this every day, but it feels like the thing to do right now.

April 3rd - 1,167 words on "WC&S"
- 350 (approx) on 1/2 a plot outline for a new (short?) story idea

April 4th - 304 words on "WC&S" on my lunch break
- 1,162 words on "WC&S" at the Library

April 5th - I'll let you know later.

On a side note:

I had a fantastic time at the library. I mean, yes it was an interesting range of clientele they have there, but think of the characters you could watch develop before your very eyes. And it was really great to have a set time with someone else to 'force' you to write. It's not a bad thing, but as my friend said yesterday, "There is always something else that can come up." This was like an appointment, everyone (and everything) else just had to work around it.

I'm going to try and do it again next week. Hurray, for putting pen to paper.

Have a good one,


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Aw, boff me with a flaming stick 'o dynomite!

I love fun stuff. I just added two more sites in my Fun Stuff section. Random generators are great ways to waste time... I mean, get inspired.

Actually, I found the name generators really help when your in a pinch and you need a name for that character who will be dead in 4 pages. You really don't want to spend a whole lot of time coming up with a really good name only to kill the guy. So, name generators. I don't always use them exactly as them come up. Some of them are odd.

Like Annoi (hehehe Annoy), I would use this as Annie or something. It helps just to get the brain moving.

I also like the cuss-o-matic. That's where I found the title for this post. Others would be; "Flaming mother of a salivating centipede-headed rat!" or "Well, spork me with a broken curtain rod!". Traditional swearing is just so boring, these are much better.

What a great way to spend the day... Ok, so back to reality.

What have I done lately on my writing? I've been writing. Yesterday I wrote about 1,200 words and half an outline for a new short story. Today, I wrote about 400 words and I'm going to the library after work for a couple hours to write some more.

I think my attention span for writing is about a 2 hour block of time. After 2 hours nothings happening. So I wrote for two hours yesterday, cooked and cleaned a bit then went back to writing for another two. It Worked So Well. Today, I only put in one hour at lunch, but then I'll put in another 2 this afternoon. This could really work (knock on cyber-wood).

"White Cats and Suicide" - my short story- is really coming along. It's creepy dark, but soooo much fun. I think I'm getting the hang of this.

Let me ask a question of you readers out there...
- Do you really hate it if you don't know the main characters name for the first 6 pages of a story?
- Or is it OK when on page 3 you realize it's because she doesn't want anyone to know her real name and the name you learn on page 6 is fake?

Let me know. Remember this is a short story I'm talking about. Maybe a 60 pages, 1.5 spaced. It would be interesting to hear your feedback.

Well, I think that's good enough for the moment. I'll try and keep you posted a little more often.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

To re-write or not to re-write

That is the question...

I thought I was doing alright without re-writing. I just picked up where I left off in Chapter 10 and kept going. Things worked for about five pages, but part of my mind was agonizing about chapter 3 where I know I have to change an entire portion. And the fact that I know I have to add another chapter in between 5 and 6. (Its the one where my bad guy shows his hand)

So I've been having a little bit of trouble figuring out where to go. Hence the question.. to re-write or not to re-write. I think I'll keep going the way I have for a little while longer, until I can't stand it anymore and go back and change everything. I've been working quite a bit on my short story in the mean time just to keep my fingers typing, so to speak. My short story is actually quite a bit darker than what I'm used to writing, but that's ok. I know it will work out but it's always nice to know that I have a few test readers to pawn it off on first, before I start sending it out into the universe.

Speaking of my support group, we met a few weeks back. Turns out that we all brought something we thought the others would gain from, or find interesting. One of the lady's brought a book she picked up from the library called "Post Secret" by Frank Warren. If you need something to give you a bit of inspiration, I suggest you got out and rent or buy it. It's fabulous. People have written their confessions and secrets (all anonymous) about things they would never tell anyone close to them. You can get your next character's deep, dark secret just by flipping through the pages.

Well, I had best get back to my character's deep dark secrets... or at least the ones in my short story until I feel confident about my novel again. Hope you have a good one.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007


As confirmed by my tutor today, I have a plot for my novel (or the beginings of one at least).

I don't know if he realizes how I was waiting on his response. Oh, I did a little jump for joy when I got my email with this written on the bottom:

I agree, you might need a more villainous villain,
but now I see a plot emerging. Well done!

Well, now that I have confirmation that I now have a plot, I can get into it. I'm not sure yet whether a re-write is in order, or if I should just keep going on and work on the begining once I'm done. Have to think about that one.

I plan on working on it tonight so hopefully I will let you know soon which road I'm going down.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tutor Trauma & A Second Wind

I don't think I've written on here since my tutor got back to me. I guess this is a break down of what happened.

I had no plot, which is kind of vital if you're writing a story. Turns out I was afraid it was too dark and wouldn't sell because of it, so I tried to make it 'happier' when really I just took out all the major problems that would have propelled my plot forward. So, after I had myself a good cry (Hey, this is my baby being ripped apart), I had a chat with a good friend of mine - and fellow author. We hacked and ripped at this story until I found the dark again... and it's quite dark.

I think I've created a monster. I always wanted the story to be a 'coming of age' type story. Meek becomes strong, kind of thing. I still have that, but now there is a bad guy trying to kill her and destroy everything she represents.

I think it makes it a lot better, but we'll see what my tutor has to say. I sent him my latest assignment along with the updates to my plot. Hopefully, he'll see a plot now. A week plot is better than no plot... you can always make a weak one stronger but coming up with a plot from nothing is quite a bit harder. I'll keep you posted on his thoughts.

I'm back to writing again. My short story about Tom is now either a novella or a full blown out novel (If that's the case, I won't truly work on it until the 1st draft of Mikayla's story is done). I also have another short story waiting in the background of my mind to hit paper. Things are good. I can feel what long distance runners must feel... that surge of energy right after you though for sure you couldn't run another step. It's an amazing feeling. I can't wait to put this energy to use.

Talk at you soon.


You'll notice there are a few changes on here, inculding making this my official blog. Here's why...

I've created a website of my very own, and this blog is a part of it.

You can expect some changes to take place in the next couple of months, once I purchase a domain to host my website on, but for now it's same old, same old, with a few added extras.

Click on the links in the top left hand corner of the page and it will take you to the pages in my website. I've got a section just for Fun Stuff, check it out when you're bored or in my case trying to not write.

Check out the site and tell me what you think. I'm open to any advise you have for me... I'm no expert when it comes to websites, but I gave it my best shot. I hope you enjoy.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Using a Journal

So it took me a while, but I think I'm out of my slump.

I'm not saying that I have no more doubts about my novel, cause I do, but I can write again. Sort of.

I'm been asking people for advise. My writing group friend/ mentor. My tutor with my course. Even my boyfriend has been subjected to my questioning about "What do I do?"

One of the pieces of advise that I got was about using a journal. I did't know if it would help but I figured it was worth a shot. I found an old scribbler, ripped out the 2 pages that had been used and started fresh. I wrote about 750 words, just about how I was feeling, why I was writing in a journal again, that kind of thing. (I say again because in high school I kept a journal, but when I came home from traveling I hated how stupid I had been back then so I torn it up and burnt it. It was actually very therapeutic.)

(You can see the article that I read here: Use your Journal Article)

It seemed to work. After I finished in my journal, I wrote 1203 words on my short story, one whole section. I only have two more left until the break point (the point were my story goes from part 1 to part 2). I still have the tiny little problem of not knowing what happens in part 2, or how this whole thing ends, but that is not my task for today. Today was just my, "get back into writing day". And it was.

Before I started writing in the journal today, I thought I didn't really need one. I have a blog, isn't that what a blog is for? To let loose the ideas floating in your head? But it's kind of nice to have a place to write down some of my more crazy ideas, my fears and doubts, and not have to worry about everyone in the world (or at least those with Internet access) reading them.

I'm going to try the journal thing. I'll let you know how it turns out, but it can't be all bad if it helped me get through 1203 words in my short story. (about 2 pages single spaced)



Friday, January 19, 2007


So here's the plan....

I don't have one.

It been a while since i've written any new words in my novel. I wrote a short story, and worked on my plot, but my novel seems to have lost all momentum. The plot is essentially the same as it was before, just minor changes with respect to logistics or character personalities that weren't 100% clear in the beginning (see What's new crazy lady? post).

I'm working on unit 4 of my 12 unit course. Funny thing... in this unit he says that a well laid out and planned novel will never have characters running away on you (didn't this just happen to me?). No arguing allowed, the author is Law. Maybe I really should stop for a while.

I've been thinking about trying to stop writing my novel for a bit. I sort of did that with the short story... which is really a teaser to a much larger story because I don't really know how to make a story that is still interesting but only 6000 - 7000 words long. (maybe I can make it a two part story...) I'm thinking that right now maybe I need something more. Some guidance to help me figure out what I'm missing. Isn't that what people do? Find mentors?

I had/ have one in my writing group. She's a wonderful writer, beautiful writing to describe amazing places. She's had a few things published, but not a novel. She doesn't make a living writing, just yet. I know she'll make it, but I'm from the generation that wants things done now. We're impatient. Perhaps I need a mentor that can get me there sooner.

Back to school then.

I'm working on Unit 4 this weekend, planning on handing it in (via email) to my tutor on Monday. From there we'll see how things go. I want to finish this novel. I know I can.

Powers that Be help me get there, because right now I'm floundering.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What's new crazy lady?

So you're probably wondering what's new? New year, new approach?

Did I come up with a great idea to add even more suspense to my already magnificent novel?…. (yeah I'm a little low on the self-esteem today, gimme a break)

In truth, I've done a lot of planning. I re-organized the last half of my novel to reflect the personalities that have grown while I was actually writing. It's funny, when you plan out your novel you think your characters will do certain things at certain points and that’s the end of it… but after you've written about them for a while, and their personalities are more etched in your mind, you realize that they wouldn't do A or B, they would do C. And that just messes things up for a while.

Anyone who writes is reading this going, "Yeah that’s a nice way of putting it, but where's the crazy?." Ok, I'll be honest. My characters revolted. They didn't want to do what I was telling them to do, and I've just recently finished my negotiations with them. They won on most points, and as a result I've had to change where I wanted them to go.... "There's the crazy!"

Besides the craziness of your characters coming to life, it helps a lot if you follow their lead. In the end you have a better story, one people can connect to. It's ok that I had to change the scene where they are: 'sneaking into the palace, stealing stuff to help them get away and are seen' into, 'sneaking past the palace to get away, trying not to be seen but are'. The end result is the same, they are seen and thus starts the chase portion of my story. (stupid picky characters)

Once I finish tightening my plot, I can get into writing it again. (please let that be soon)

I've also been working on the novel writing course I start last year. I stopped when I got into my story more, but since the negotiations, I've need a little break.

Well that is pretty much all I've got that's new. I'll keep you posted once I get back into the writing of the story.
