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Monday, August 13, 2007

My 1st Rejection

Well it finally happened.

Today, it is with great pleasure that I share with you the contents of my very first rejection letter from the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. It is a standard "thanks but no thanks letter". Not good, but not bad either.

"Dear Ms. Hunter: Thank you for submitting "Freedom Fire," but I'm going to pass on it. This tale didn't grab my interest, I'm afraid. Good luck to you with this one, and thanks again for sending it our way."

I am proud of this letter because it proves that I have jumped into the game, and that I'm ready to play. The best and only way to fight 'Rejection', is to hit it right back with 'Persistence'. Therefore, it's time to file this letter away and send Freedom Fire on to it's next possible home, ON SPEC.

(And as an FYI, I am sending out Pain and Blood, my second short story, to Analog Magazine on Wednesday.)

As a side note: The Science Fiction and Fantasy Conference is on Friday. I'm getting excited. Looks like there will be time to write while I'm there, as well as before and after the conference. There also seems to be lots of interesting sessions taking place. Right now I want to go to all of them, but I'm sure that once I'm there it'll be easier to pick and choose (I hope). I'll let you know how it goes.

Have a good one,


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