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Saturday, May 19, 2007

May Long Weekend

Ah yes the May long weekend. In Edmonton, we never have good weather on this weekend, yet most people still try to do stuff. Friends of mine are going camping, my boyfriend wants to go to Elk Island for a day hike, and the outdoor swimming pools are ready to open, pending the weather of course.

So what am I doing? Writing and watching it rain in +3C weather outside. (Suckers)

I've got no word count for you, because I've written no new words on my novel, but I've been working on it. This is the plan for my novel:

Step One: The Outline

I had a bunch of scrap paper with my new plot written down on it, but I hadn't incorporated it into the outline I have. I won't know what to keep of the words I've already written, if I don't go through my outline and mash my new idea into the old one and see what comes out. Thus far, I've already written out the outlines of the 1st three chapters and last nine chapters of the book, now I just need to work on chapters 4 -10.

Step Two: Re-Working What I've Got

This will be the part where I go through chapters one through ten and rework what I've already written, so that it fits with my new plot and outline. This will take a bit of time I'm sure, but it'll be worth it.

Step Three: New Words

Once I'm done reworking, I can start writing again. It'll be full steam ahead until I'm done the novel. That's when you'll see word counts on here again.

I think that's a pretty good plan. At least it keeps me focused on where I'm going. You'll also notice that I don't have a time line attached to each one. That's because of the Goal fiasco I had back in September. Remember? "I will be finished my novel by....", yeah you remember. You'll also remember that I came no where near close to finishing my novel. Oh well.

I finally got MS Word on my computer, so I don't have to wait until lunch breaks at work, or the library once a week to write. It's a good thing. Maybe my productivity will increase now that I can really write from home again.

I think that's all I've got right now. Hope your having a great writing day.


1 comment:

E.C.Bell said...

Looks like a good plan! And I think you are the smartest of your group! Staying inside seems like the best thing to do on this fairly dismal weekend. However ... the sun IS starting to shine (It's Sunday) and it could just get a little harder to stay indoors.