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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

To re-write or not to re-write

That is the question...

I thought I was doing alright without re-writing. I just picked up where I left off in Chapter 10 and kept going. Things worked for about five pages, but part of my mind was agonizing about chapter 3 where I know I have to change an entire portion. And the fact that I know I have to add another chapter in between 5 and 6. (Its the one where my bad guy shows his hand)

So I've been having a little bit of trouble figuring out where to go. Hence the question.. to re-write or not to re-write. I think I'll keep going the way I have for a little while longer, until I can't stand it anymore and go back and change everything. I've been working quite a bit on my short story in the mean time just to keep my fingers typing, so to speak. My short story is actually quite a bit darker than what I'm used to writing, but that's ok. I know it will work out but it's always nice to know that I have a few test readers to pawn it off on first, before I start sending it out into the universe.

Speaking of my support group, we met a few weeks back. Turns out that we all brought something we thought the others would gain from, or find interesting. One of the lady's brought a book she picked up from the library called "Post Secret" by Frank Warren. If you need something to give you a bit of inspiration, I suggest you got out and rent or buy it. It's fabulous. People have written their confessions and secrets (all anonymous) about things they would never tell anyone close to them. You can get your next character's deep, dark secret just by flipping through the pages.

Well, I had best get back to my character's deep dark secrets... or at least the ones in my short story until I feel confident about my novel again. Hope you have a good one.


1 comment:

E.C.Bell said...

Keep hacking away, Christina. This is all part of the "joy of writing." (Add hysterical laughter here, if you want.)