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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cooking with Fire

Tuesday (today) - 895 words on WC&S, edited my short story, finished unit 10, and rewrote Chapter 3. (Library days are sooo good)

That's right folks. I have completed yet another chapter, and I am still moving onwards in the novella department (which I will eventually have to cut down, massively, but not today).

My writing friend shared the same feeling with me today. Its like we are on a sports team, and we just keep winning. Now we can see the playoffs in sight and we want that cup. Think of the playoffs as a finished novel and the cup as getting published. That's how I feel. Like this is how it should always be. Work hard and get rewarded. Put pen to paper enough and it gets to be a habit... and this is a really good habit.

It might sound like I'm getting worked up about nothing, but it's something to me. This is my dream, and I can finally get a taste for what it's like to be on the other side. To write full-time. To have my writing be my career and my only career.

... sure, I'd have to have a part time job because I would go Insane if I stayed inside the house all day, but still...

I'm sure you've had enough of my rambles for one day. Have a good one,


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