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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Keeping it up

Things have been really good lately.

On Thursday I wrote a short story. A real one this time. It's 1,887 words. Under 2000. That's pretty good for me. I've sent it out to a few readers to see what they think. I can't wait to hear their responses, so I can edit this thing and send it out. My first submission. It'll be good. I'm expecting to be rejected at least a few times. No author goes without getting a few of those.

Today, Saturday, I've been working on my novella and rewriting my novel. It's going good. You can see my word counts below on how much I did on WC&S. But I also finished rewriting Chapter One in my novel. Onwards to Chapter Two! Things are cooking.

I haven't heard back from my tutor on unit 9 yet, but that's ok. It did take me almost 3 months to finish the silly unit, I can give him a week or two to get back to me.

I think that's it for now. Keep plugging along. I will.

Word Counts

Thursday: 1,887 words on Freedom Fire (short story)
Friday: 0 words
Today: 510 words on WC&S, finished rewriting Chapter One


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