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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Novella & Novel

I've been working on my novella at the same time as I've been working on my novel outline. So far, so good.

Yesterday was Library day, and a really good writing day. I wrote 1,001 words on "WC&S", and still spent an hour working on my outline (which is getting closer and closer to being done). I've been outlining Chapters 6 - 9 the last few days, but I'm finding that by finishing the beginning, things at the end HAVE to change.

Your thinking, "um, duh!" right? Well, I guess in a way I knew this, just like anyone reading this would in theory... But its different when you're staring at your whole novel, seeing all the plot lines and obstacles and problems, and finally see all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. To finally see what was meant to happen here, not just the general idea of it. It's no longer about what I've changed here or there, it's about what this story has become... and it's AWESOME!!!!! It really is so much better then what it started out as.

Anyway, I just thought I would leave an update. Hope you're having a good one.


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