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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Week Three

You're wondering what happened to week two, right?

Well, My friend Rox calls everything before week two PPC: Pre-Pincher-Creek.

D has been looking at getting into a new trade, wind turbine technician. This would take him to southern Alberta, most likely to Pincher Creek. This of course sent my head into nowhere land, because I deal with change so well (that's sarcasm).

Anyway, since September 19th until now, I've written just under 1000 words. Ouch!

So, I have 11 days until the PureSpec conference. I think I may have to settle for my very first goal... having one or two chapters done. I have finished chapter one, so I've already hit that goal.

I think goals and me just don't work. I have to write because I want to, not because I have to.

I'm going to work on cleaning up chapter one a little more and then I'll be sending it to my tutor and see what he has to say about this change in direction.

On a side note: Pincher Creek is quite pretty, however unless I can find a job there I don't think we'll be moving anytime soon.

Have a great thanksgiving long weekend. We'll chat before the conference.


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