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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tutor Trauma & A Second Wind

I don't think I've written on here since my tutor got back to me. I guess this is a break down of what happened.

I had no plot, which is kind of vital if you're writing a story. Turns out I was afraid it was too dark and wouldn't sell because of it, so I tried to make it 'happier' when really I just took out all the major problems that would have propelled my plot forward. So, after I had myself a good cry (Hey, this is my baby being ripped apart), I had a chat with a good friend of mine - and fellow author. We hacked and ripped at this story until I found the dark again... and it's quite dark.

I think I've created a monster. I always wanted the story to be a 'coming of age' type story. Meek becomes strong, kind of thing. I still have that, but now there is a bad guy trying to kill her and destroy everything she represents.

I think it makes it a lot better, but we'll see what my tutor has to say. I sent him my latest assignment along with the updates to my plot. Hopefully, he'll see a plot now. A week plot is better than no plot... you can always make a weak one stronger but coming up with a plot from nothing is quite a bit harder. I'll keep you posted on his thoughts.

I'm back to writing again. My short story about Tom is now either a novella or a full blown out novel (If that's the case, I won't truly work on it until the 1st draft of Mikayla's story is done). I also have another short story waiting in the background of my mind to hit paper. Things are good. I can feel what long distance runners must feel... that surge of energy right after you though for sure you couldn't run another step. It's an amazing feeling. I can't wait to put this energy to use.

Talk at you soon.

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