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Saturday, April 14, 2007


Well, what to say.

I was doing really good... and I'm not doing half bad now... but I could be better.

Monday, April 9 - 0 Words

Tuesday, April 10 - 150 Words on random junk

Wednesday, April 11 - A freakin' lot of words (around 2000) on WC&S

Thursday, April 12 - 0 Words (are you starting to see a pattern here?)

Friday the 13th - 0 Words

Wednesday was the day I went to the Library with one of my fellow writers for some mutually encouraged writing. It was really good, as you can see, that was the day I did most of my writing this week. We are going again on Tuesday right before a Dinner with our old writing group. I really look forward to these day's.

I'm not sure what the problem with me is though. I just wish I had the self discipline to write everyday. I have to admit this is about a million times better then how I was doing a couple of months ago.

Maybe I should stop complaining. At least I'm writing. I could be sitting reading a book telling myself I should really write so that one day I could hold my own book in my hands. At least I'm working towards that goal more than one week out of the month (which is what I was doing before).

I know you're thinking, "hmm sorry but aren't you just working on a short story right now?" Well yes I am, but by being published, and getting my name out there, I have a better chance of getting picked up by a publisher for my novel. That's the general wisdom I keep hearing. I think it's about time I stoped trying to reinvent the wheel and learn from people who have been there.

Speaking of learning, I still havn't completed the next unit in my writing course. It deals with building up your tool box... you know, reference books, dictionary's, stuff directly related to your genre. I also have to build a list of phrase's, descriptions, quirky comments, etc, as a reference book of it's own. To add when I need something when I'm writing. Anyway, It's a little harder then I thought. I know you have to build things up over a longer period of time, but I still have to have a certain number done for this assignment. Meh, I'll come up with something... like my cuss o' matic phrase's, those are fun!

Ok, enough of this. I should get to my writing for the day. I know I don't have as much time today as I'd like but I only spent an hour and 1/2 at the library on Wednesday and look how much I wrote.

Keep writing.


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