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Friday, June 29, 2007

Grammar and S.L.

I haven't been very good at keeping you up to date, have I?

This past week has just flown by. The sad part is I've done next to no writing... except for on Library day.

There were no new words written, however I did edit my short story and most of my Chapter One... again. Why?

My tutor got back to me. I sent him my Outline, Chapter One, and Short Story. He went through and edited them for me, telling me all the things that were wrong with it. It hurt at first, I'm not going to lie - he's very blunt - but he did come across a major flaw in my writing skill set.

My grammar, spelling, syntax, etc., sucks!

I knew this. I always just assumed I would hire an editor to edit my manuscript before I sent it out. I know how bad I am at stuff like that. But it's come down to the fact that an editor might be able to get rid of my grammar problems, but will it end up sounding the same? Maybe, but I don't know. My tutor has made me doubtful of using that option.

So, I've decided to give learning this junk a try. I bought a couple books on the subject and plan on working through them this weekend. I'm back to the beginning but it's not that bad. Chapter two is already edited in my mind, so if I can learn even just a little bit of this stuff, that'll be good enough for me. Then I'll send my tutor Chapter two and all will be well (until I get it back).

On a side note, I encourage everyone to stay away from Second Life. If you don't know what I'm talking about - good, stay that way. If you do, here is my reason why.

It's so bloody addictive that you loose what little time you have in Real Life, doing nothing. How many of you can spend an hour just on getting your avatar to look good? You know you've done it. I'm not saying Second Life is all bad, it's an amazing way to network, but almost everything else you can do just surfing the net.

I realize it might just be me who gets addicted to stuff like, I've had to delete the program because that's all I did every night for a week straight, but if you're not careful, your Real Life might just pass you by.

OK, that's all I've got to say on that.

I hope you have a fantastic long weekend. If I don't talk to you before Sunday, Happy Birthday Canada.


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