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Monday, April 23, 2007

4 more sleeps...

...til I'm in Cuba baby.

But you don't want to hear about that. You want to know how well I've been doing with my word counts. How close I am to having something published so that you can read it?

Tuesday - 1,000 words (approx) (library day)
Wednesday - 0 words
Thursday - 0 words (was home sick and in bed all day)
Friday - 0 words (again with the "in bed all day" thing)
Saturday - 0 words (ok, I'm getting annoyed here too)
Sunday - 0 words (I was busy getting stuff for my vacation)

OK, so I completely failed in getting a DAILY word count going, but at least I wrote something.

- Sigh -

I have more junk to do tonight, in the aim of getting ready for my trip (I leave Friday). Then there is a birthday dinner on Tuesday, and packing on Thursday.... I am planning on going to the library again on Wednesday, so at least I know I'll get some words in this week.

Hope your having a better week then me. If I don't talk to you before I leave, Have a Great Week, and I talk at you in the second week of May.

C. M. Hunt

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