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Thursday, September 14, 2006

What a day!

Here's the scoop.

Last night I went home and did some more shopping. Yes I've spent close to $500 in the last two days outfitting myself to look like a business woman. In my mothers words "Dressed for success".

Well I'm dressed for it now. I bought a pair of pant for my skirt suit, and a whole other black suit. New shoes, new purse, new jewelry. I think they call this the works. What sucks major bum is that I've been trying to save up for a new computer at home. I really need it. My computer is crap. No… Beyond crap. Anyway this whole shopping spree has set me back a bit. I hate this.

I've had some issues with the temp I was trying to get. The girl I trained before that I thought I was getting called in sick yesterday. We called the agency and the best they could do was send someone out today. So today came around and The new girl is late then she faints. I never found out what happened after they called a ambulance for her. So we went through two temps in just as many days. But we needed someone bad. The temp agency we'd been using said they didn't have anyone else to send us. So I went shopping. Three agencies later I found someone. She showed up at 11:30, and I trained her over the phone.

Needless to say it's been an interesting day.

Tomorrow I'll be bring in my writing. I have to send out chapter 2 to my writing group to look at. It just doesn’t sound right…

Anyway, lets hope tomorrow is better. Although I'm not sure if it would be better more or less eventful.


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