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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Stuff

Ok First things first.

The Retreat was awesome. You can check out some pictures and other members comments on our Blog.

I realized that I really did finish Chapter 5 before I went, so I finished all of Chapter 6 and a little bit of 7 while I was out there. Very cool lots of fun. I have a little problem with large groups of people in small areas, but I was ok.

Second. I get back to work on Tuesday. My mind still hasn't quite got into the whole working thing yet but I'm trying. Then I find out at 9am that I'm being transferred for a week to a different building. I don't know any of the people I'll be working with and I have to call the girl that I trained to do my job while I was gone, back so she can do it some more. (I also found out that she is sick I felt even worse)

So here I am. Day one (Even though I was technically here as of yesterday afternoon) in a new building. I really don't know how long I'm going to be here for. It could be for a week…. It could be forever. Not that I really want to be here forever. I like my old office. Where I didn't have to learn really complicated tracking systems (Yeah I get to read some of the premiers mail). No matter. It's all for my benefit in the end. The more you know, the more you get paid.

One last thing. My boss (at my old office) told me that I needed to dress more professionally. I thought I was doing fine, but apparently not. So after I went home and cried (yes I'm a baby), My boyfriend took me shopping. I bought a suit, and not just any suit but a skirt suit. To anyone who knows me, they know I don't wear skirts, ever. But I was in a bad mood and I said whatever, so I am wearing a skirt as I'm typing this. I feel like a little girl dressed up in mom's work clothes. Goodness, what was I thinking a skirt? Not to mention my shoes fall off if I don't walk in them funny. They're too big for me. Whatever.

So I'm here for a bit, and there is no way I'm going to write in this office. My desk backs into the doorway of the Big guy's office. And by Big guy I mean if this was a private organization (and Ralph Klein isn't involved in this example) the big guy would be the Vice-President of the company. So yeah. Well best get back to work (WHAT WORK? I'M BOARD!) before they kick me back down to my old job.

I wish.


1 comment:

E.C.Bell said...

Hi Dust,

I didn't realize staying with this job was such a big deal. Way to go for keeping it together.

Thanks again for the retreat -- it was great. Just what I needed. Hey did you get a chance to see how far you can punt your computer? I would have. You showed an amazing amount of restraint.

As to word count -- girl, you're blowing me out of the water this week! I'm critiquing work for the Banff thing, and that is taking all my time. Sigh. I promise it'll get better when I get back.

Woman of Words