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Thursday, September 07, 2006

And we're off...

I leave in two hours for my retreat.

What am I still doing at work you ask? We'll i'm making sure everything is in order before I leave. You never realize how much you actually do, until you try and do 3 days worth in one.

Oh well. At least it's over now. I trained a girl to cover me for Friday and Monday. She's nice but i'm afraid i can't give her that much stuff to do. She said she didn't mind, so i'm ok with it.

I still have to go home, make supper, pack my bags, say good bye to my boyfriend (who knew i'd get so attached to seeing him everyday after a month and a half) and then meet the girls down at the WGA building. All in under two hours.

So why am i'm still typing?

I have to wait for my boss to sign something off before I go, and I can't leave it for the temp to do. ARRRGGGGG!!!!!!

I'm killling time basically.

Oh and I never did finish chapter 5. Damn. I'm really close to having it done though so I don't think it will take long to finish.

Well i'm going to try and kick him (my boss) off the phone now. I'll tell you all about the retreat on Tuesday.



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