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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Fun Things

Hurray for me!

I managed to find time to write this weekend. I'm almost finished chapter 5, just one scene left, and I still have 2 days and 4 hours until I leave for the retreat. I might just have it finished in time.

Not that I wrote as much as one of the ladies in my writing group. Woman of Words. (see link in sidebar)

This weekend was the 3-day novel weekend. I don't know enough about it to explain it very well, so you can check out Woman of Words blog or the website

I might enter it next year... we'll see.

I also went for the interview today. Funny thing. The lady knows my mom. So we had a few laughs, shared a joke or two, and the interview went very smoothly. I think I did ok. I'll know for sure on Thursday or Friday. She also told me that the department I'm in really wants me. i.e.- my boss. That's a good thing. I like it here.

Best get back to work before they decide they don't want me that much anymore.



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