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Monday, September 25, 2006

Oh, The Pain

So I've been sick off and on for the last two months. I mentioned in an earlier entry that I thought at one point that I might be pregnant because I got nauseous every time I ate. Don't worry, this is still NOT the case.

I went to the doctor (finally) on Saturday. He pushed on my stomach, asked me some questions and then said… TA DA!!! You have glastro-blah-de-da, which left untreated will turn into an ulcer.

An Ulcer!?!

Yes, I have the beginning of an ulcer. So I have to go for a couple of tests, and then they can treat it. Turns out that stress has very little to do with getting an ulcer. It may be a factor, but not the sole cause. If you use Advil or Ibuprofen a lot, that can help cause one. So can some sort of bacteria. If you have all three (I know I have at least two) than you have the best chances to get an ulcer.

The Advil one sucks, because I need it for my headaches (migraines). I'm supposed to switch to Tylenol for a bit, but Tylenol is bad for your liver so it one for another. Such is life. (I'm in my early 20's… I'm too young for an ulcer)

I have been really stressed out lately so I'm sure that it has helped as much as stress can to the formation of this diagnosis. My hope upon hope is that I can somehow just write my novel and not have to worry about a day job every again.

That’s probably a couple of years off at the earliest, but still it's something to look forward to. Well that’s the update. Hope your weekend was better than mine.



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