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Thursday, September 28, 2006


Not that I can really blame Blogger for it...

There is a bug going around I guess that occasionally loses template data… IE: All the work you've done to make your blog your own, disappears.

I spent a good hour recreating my Blog template, and I don't have that many customizations. Hopefully you don't fall victim to this bug. It really bites.

And I would like to publicly express my apologizes to the Blogger Help crew. I was a bitch. It was a bad day, and I'm sorry I took it out on you.

There! Hopefully that's all of it. Now I must get back to work…My real work ;-)

Talk to you soon,


Monday, September 25, 2006

One more...

Ok so this is the third entry I've made today.

You'd think I was bored or something....

Anyway, I did some goal setting today (in my spare time, or course). I would like to post it here in order to give it a little more weight. Not just something I can ignore.

My Goal is to be finished my Novel by November 30th! (wow, I know)

That gives me 67 Days from Today, September 25th.
It works out to 2 pages per day (not a hard thing to do right?)

Specifics by Nov. 30th:
- One complete novel with the words "The End" in clear view.
- No chapter revisions, no mistakes corrected throughout the remaining chapters. (This one will be hard not to do)
- Chapters 7 through 15 written.

Exceptions: (because there is always an exception)
- Should another chapter become important to the completion of the novel, 6 days per chapter will be added.

Well, what do you think? Is it sound enough? No loop holes I can see, and I know i'll be looking for a loop hole later. Writers are the worst procrastinators in the world.

I know I can do it. I have to. I want to.

OK enough of the positive words and thoughts crap.... It's time to go home.


Why Dust?

Why did I chose Dust as my name? There are a few points on here I like, some I don't, but it was Number 11 that swayed me.

Cited from Unabridged (v 1.0.1)
Dust, Pronounced [duhst] – noun

1. Earth or other matter in fine, dry particles.
2. A cloud of finely powdered earth or other matter in the air.
3. Any finely powdered substance, as sawdust.
4. The ground; the earth's surface.
5. The substance to which something, as the dead human body, is ultimately reduced by disintegration or decay; earthly remains.
6. British: a) Ashes, Refuse, Etc. b) Junk1 (def.1).
7. A low or humble condition.
8. Anything Worthless.
9. Disturbance; Turmoil.
10. Gold Dust.
11. The mortal body of a human being.
12. A single particle or grain.

There were a lot more than 12 examples, but these were the important ones in my mind.

Have a good one.


Oh, The Pain

So I've been sick off and on for the last two months. I mentioned in an earlier entry that I thought at one point that I might be pregnant because I got nauseous every time I ate. Don't worry, this is still NOT the case.

I went to the doctor (finally) on Saturday. He pushed on my stomach, asked me some questions and then said… TA DA!!! You have glastro-blah-de-da, which left untreated will turn into an ulcer.

An Ulcer!?!

Yes, I have the beginning of an ulcer. So I have to go for a couple of tests, and then they can treat it. Turns out that stress has very little to do with getting an ulcer. It may be a factor, but not the sole cause. If you use Advil or Ibuprofen a lot, that can help cause one. So can some sort of bacteria. If you have all three (I know I have at least two) than you have the best chances to get an ulcer.

The Advil one sucks, because I need it for my headaches (migraines). I'm supposed to switch to Tylenol for a bit, but Tylenol is bad for your liver so it one for another. Such is life. (I'm in my early 20's… I'm too young for an ulcer)

I have been really stressed out lately so I'm sure that it has helped as much as stress can to the formation of this diagnosis. My hope upon hope is that I can somehow just write my novel and not have to worry about a day job every again.

That’s probably a couple of years off at the earliest, but still it's something to look forward to. Well that’s the update. Hope your weekend was better than mine.



Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I feel like a chicken, running around with it's head cut off.

Just running blindly into the next disaster.

Ok it's really not all that bad but I really am very swamped. I don't even know when I can go back to me own office yet, even though I was assured I would know by mid week. And I'm gone on a conference thingy tomorrow.

And in the next 2 days, I have to do laundry, grocery shopping, get my hair cut, clean the damn apartment (cause it needs it badly), and find some time to write down these amazing ideas I'm having for my novel. Where does all the time go?

Seriously, after the retreat I found that I've been afraid to actually succeed in writing. Now that I know that, and am trying to move past it, it's like inspiration keeps hitting me on the head and I don't have enough time to sit down and write it all out. Grrrrrr....

Oh well, look at the time. I have to go. The end of the day has come, I've managed to transfer all the work I would be doing at my office here, and have been busy all day so that now I have to go home and do all that other work before I can get down to what I really want to do. My real work. My writing. My Novel.

So close and yet so far. Why does the stupid world have to keep revolving in 24 hour increments. I would just like one 30 hour day and enough energy to last through all the hours of it.

Oh to live in a fairy tale world.... maybe that'll be my next book.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

What a day!

Here's the scoop.

Last night I went home and did some more shopping. Yes I've spent close to $500 in the last two days outfitting myself to look like a business woman. In my mothers words "Dressed for success".

Well I'm dressed for it now. I bought a pair of pant for my skirt suit, and a whole other black suit. New shoes, new purse, new jewelry. I think they call this the works. What sucks major bum is that I've been trying to save up for a new computer at home. I really need it. My computer is crap. No… Beyond crap. Anyway this whole shopping spree has set me back a bit. I hate this.

I've had some issues with the temp I was trying to get. The girl I trained before that I thought I was getting called in sick yesterday. We called the agency and the best they could do was send someone out today. So today came around and The new girl is late then she faints. I never found out what happened after they called a ambulance for her. So we went through two temps in just as many days. But we needed someone bad. The temp agency we'd been using said they didn't have anyone else to send us. So I went shopping. Three agencies later I found someone. She showed up at 11:30, and I trained her over the phone.

Needless to say it's been an interesting day.

Tomorrow I'll be bring in my writing. I have to send out chapter 2 to my writing group to look at. It just doesn’t sound right…

Anyway, lets hope tomorrow is better. Although I'm not sure if it would be better more or less eventful.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Stuff

Ok First things first.

The Retreat was awesome. You can check out some pictures and other members comments on our Blog.

I realized that I really did finish Chapter 5 before I went, so I finished all of Chapter 6 and a little bit of 7 while I was out there. Very cool lots of fun. I have a little problem with large groups of people in small areas, but I was ok.

Second. I get back to work on Tuesday. My mind still hasn't quite got into the whole working thing yet but I'm trying. Then I find out at 9am that I'm being transferred for a week to a different building. I don't know any of the people I'll be working with and I have to call the girl that I trained to do my job while I was gone, back so she can do it some more. (I also found out that she is sick I felt even worse)

So here I am. Day one (Even though I was technically here as of yesterday afternoon) in a new building. I really don't know how long I'm going to be here for. It could be for a week…. It could be forever. Not that I really want to be here forever. I like my old office. Where I didn't have to learn really complicated tracking systems (Yeah I get to read some of the premiers mail). No matter. It's all for my benefit in the end. The more you know, the more you get paid.

One last thing. My boss (at my old office) told me that I needed to dress more professionally. I thought I was doing fine, but apparently not. So after I went home and cried (yes I'm a baby), My boyfriend took me shopping. I bought a suit, and not just any suit but a skirt suit. To anyone who knows me, they know I don't wear skirts, ever. But I was in a bad mood and I said whatever, so I am wearing a skirt as I'm typing this. I feel like a little girl dressed up in mom's work clothes. Goodness, what was I thinking a skirt? Not to mention my shoes fall off if I don't walk in them funny. They're too big for me. Whatever.

So I'm here for a bit, and there is no way I'm going to write in this office. My desk backs into the doorway of the Big guy's office. And by Big guy I mean if this was a private organization (and Ralph Klein isn't involved in this example) the big guy would be the Vice-President of the company. So yeah. Well best get back to work (WHAT WORK? I'M BOARD!) before they kick me back down to my old job.

I wish.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

And we're off...

I leave in two hours for my retreat.

What am I still doing at work you ask? We'll i'm making sure everything is in order before I leave. You never realize how much you actually do, until you try and do 3 days worth in one.

Oh well. At least it's over now. I trained a girl to cover me for Friday and Monday. She's nice but i'm afraid i can't give her that much stuff to do. She said she didn't mind, so i'm ok with it.

I still have to go home, make supper, pack my bags, say good bye to my boyfriend (who knew i'd get so attached to seeing him everyday after a month and a half) and then meet the girls down at the WGA building. All in under two hours.

So why am i'm still typing?

I have to wait for my boss to sign something off before I go, and I can't leave it for the temp to do. ARRRGGGGG!!!!!!

I'm killling time basically.

Oh and I never did finish chapter 5. Damn. I'm really close to having it done though so I don't think it will take long to finish.

Well i'm going to try and kick him (my boss) off the phone now. I'll tell you all about the retreat on Tuesday.



Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Fun Things

Hurray for me!

I managed to find time to write this weekend. I'm almost finished chapter 5, just one scene left, and I still have 2 days and 4 hours until I leave for the retreat. I might just have it finished in time.

Not that I wrote as much as one of the ladies in my writing group. Woman of Words. (see link in sidebar)

This weekend was the 3-day novel weekend. I don't know enough about it to explain it very well, so you can check out Woman of Words blog or the website

I might enter it next year... we'll see.

I also went for the interview today. Funny thing. The lady knows my mom. So we had a few laughs, shared a joke or two, and the interview went very smoothly. I think I did ok. I'll know for sure on Thursday or Friday. She also told me that the department I'm in really wants me. i.e.- my boss. That's a good thing. I like it here.

Best get back to work before they decide they don't want me that much anymore.



Friday, September 01, 2006



More bitching?

Work has been busy all week. How did it get to be so busy? I know. I asked for more work to do. Obviously a big mistake.

Nobody had anything for me when I first asked, so I think they all got together last week and said "On Monday, all of us should dump a whole bunch of work on her." Maybe it didn't happen exactly like that but the end result was the same. Everyone I asked for work from last week, all of a sudden had work for me on Monday. Oh what Fun!

So needless to say, writing time has been minimal. I don't think I'm going to have much time to write this weekend either. it sucks. I was hoping to have chapter 5 finished in time for the retreat, but now it looks like I will be finishing it there.

Such is life.

Our group is trying to set up a group blog. It might be pretty cool. I'll keep you posted.

Well that's all I've got. I'll write more on Tuesday. Maybe.
