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Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Thanks for the concern anonymous.

Made it to Tuesday alright after all. The doc's just seem to have overestimated to relief factor of their medication. It didn't kick in until Saturday night. It wasn't a wonderful bliss of no pain, but it was less. And gradually it started going away.

I've also cut everything remotely good to eat out of my diet. Sucks but if it'll make my stomach better than I'll deal with it. No tomato based products, No spices, Nothing heavily seasoned, No fats (sweets or desserts), No carbonated drinks, No alcohol (not that I was a heavy drinker before), No Advil, No raw veggie's, Very little dairy, and No Buttered Popcorn (that one hurts).

Today I can say my stomach is better. The pain is barely there, sort of like a sore mussel that’s almost healed. I hope my stomach is almost healed. Doc's said it would take about two weeks, but he also said the pill he gave me should have me feeling relief anywhere between 4 hours to a day at most. It took four days! I think I'll stay on this god-awful diet for at least three weeks, just to be on the safe side.

Now for the good stuff:

I can write again. I'm almost finished Chapter 7, two more scenes left. Actually, Chapter 7 will become chapter 7, 8 and 9 so I just added two chapters to my overall length. Not a bad thing, it was looking a little short anyway.

And we're getting the internet on Saturday. We bought a computer last Saturday and it's pretty cool. Once we get the internet hooked up, it'll be smooth sailing.

And I'm back at MY office again. I can't tell you how awesome it is to be back. Everyone was happy to see me. Everyone here smiles. And I can walk up to anyone and talk to them. It's so much better here.

All in all, It's a good day (despite the weather; It's cold here). Hope you're having a good one too.


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