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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I'm on a Roll

(knock on wood)

I'm on a roll. I finished off chapter 8 and now I'm on Chapter 9. I know this might sound silly but, "Wow! I made it to chapter 9."

Chapter 5 was my last big stepping stone. I'd never made it to a Chapter 5 in anything I've written for myself... I mean sure when I was in Jr. High my English teacher convinced me to write a novella for her (I still have a copy of it somewhere). It had 10 Chapters, but this is my first non-rushed attempt. That novella could have been a full length novel, but I had to cut out a lot because I wanted it to be done by the end of the school year.

I guess the reason 9 is making me so happy is because after 10, I know I've done it. I've really put butt to seat, fingers to keyboard and written something... weather it's any good we'll find out eventually. But seeing as how this is my first baby, 1st project of note, it's exciting to know I've put in the effort, and it's starting to show.

Now, I should stop blabbing in my blog. I've found a process that keeps me interested in what I'm writing while I'm writing it (which is kind of important) and if you notice, I've written a Chapter in two days. Holly crap-olla. This could get very interesting. It may have only been a fluke, just something that worked with Chapter 8 (it is a short chapter), but you never know.

Till' the next chapter,


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