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Friday, October 06, 2006

Bad things

So I'm now under the impression that bad things happen to good people.

My stomach pain has become a real problem.

It's hard to move around, walk, stand, lift. It's like the movement jars my stomach into spasms. Here's the worst part. It's getting so I can't even sit straight up without being in a lot of pain.

Fetal position seems to bring it back down to minimum, but that's not going to happen at work... there's the problem.

I can't even work with this pain. I've had pain before and managed to work through it, but this... I think I'm going to check myself back into the emergency. (What? you ask, When did this happen?)

Tuesday night. The pain got to be really bad. Even then 5 people had to talk me into going before I would. I don't like doctors. So it was a relatively short stint in the hospital. Out by midnight. They took some blood, ran some tests, made me drink this awful but effective milk stuff that froze my stomach. I had 4 whole minutes without pain before the freezing wore off. By the end of it, they gave me a little pill that was suppose to cut off the acid production in my stomach, and I was suppose to cut out anything in my diet that might cause acidity.

Did that, it didn't help. Took the pill, and the pain is getting worse. So what now?

I haven't decided yet, possibly check myself back into emergency and see what the doctors have to say, possibly not, although my boyfriend is already insisting that I go. I'll figure something out.

I think besides the fact that I can't work with this pain, the worst thing is that it's hard to sit at a computer and write. I'm getting to a good part in my novel (to an author every part is a good part). I want to keep writing, but every time I sit down in front of the computer, I get these awful shooting pains across my stomach. It happens at work and at home. I think I'm in a bit of a pickle here...

Is this thing rendering my an invalid... I hope not, cause that would really suck.

Well, It's my last day here at this office, I'm suppose to go back to my own on Tuesday. Lets see if I make it there.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you cured ? what's wrong ? I've heard canada has a wide shift in medical abilities from one part of the country to another. are you getting good treatment ?