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Saturday, October 14, 2006

I'm Connected!


I'm connected to the internet. This is my first entry from home.

What to write about?

Well, I'm about halfway through chapter 8. Going along quite nicely. I hit a wall on Thursday night. It was about half way into the hockey, thus I was home alone, since my boyfriend had gone to watch the game. Anyway, I just didn't know what to do. To go this way or that way with the organization of this chapter. So I called up a friend of mine in Ontario and I sat and talked with him for about half and hour. Just talking it out helped, and I ended up writing until about midnight that night. I think I wrote a total of 9 pages, 4 scenes. It may not sound like a lot. Most people can read through 9 pages in about 30 minutes, maybe less. But it takes a lot longer to write. I wrote 9 pages from 9pm to midnight.

As far as my goal is concerned, I think I’m a little behind. It's been about 20 days since I made my goal so I should be at 40 pages. I'm only at 25. Oh well. That's what happens when you spend a week not being able to move because of stomach pains. If I take out that whole week, that leaves me with 14 days, and a goal of 28 pages. I'm closer to that. Regardless I plan on making my goal. I have to add 12 days to my finishing date because I'm adding two more chapters here, but I will be done before Christmas. That'll be my present to myself.

Well I think that’s it for today. If I want to reach my goal I should get to writing my novel, not just updating the world on my progress.

Have a good one,


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