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Thursday, August 24, 2006

The very next day.

I went to the interview today.

I already called and withdrew my resume from consideration. It seems fate is keeping me at my present job for a reason. Whatever that might be I'm not sure. I do know that I get to write a little bit of my novel each day here... in my spare time of course.

So what now? Do I stop trying to get a permanent job and stay here, where I don't know if I'll still have a job in three months? Sure.

I guess what it really means is that I should stop thinking about "what if's" and start thinking about "right now's"? It's a hard thing to do... live in the moment I mean.

I'm also sick. I've been sick for the past few weeks now. Upset stomach junk. In fact my boyfriend and I were worried for a little bit there that I might be pregnant since my symptoms were very similar to morning sickness. That would have been interesting. I'm not by the way.

My boyfriend and I live together. Have been for a little while now. I like it because he takes care of me, and encourages me to write. I know a lot of women out there like being strong and independent. "Don't need a man for anything except..." well you get the point. But I like not having to be superwoman around him. I can just be an ordinary mortal, with extraordinary writing abilities.

Can you tell I write sci-fi and fantasy?

Well, best get back into reality for a bit. We'll see if anything of interest happens tomorrow.


1 comment:

E.C.Bell said...

Hi there Girl,
Sorry to hear you're still having stomach ailments -- but glad to hear it's not baby related! That is one thing that will change the direction of your life in short order.

Oh and by the way, congrats on starting Chapter 5. Pom poms are sitting on my desk, and I wave them wildly every once in a while for you. We all need cheerleaders, even oldish ones who should not, under any circumstances, be caught dead in the uniform!

Keep up the good work.