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Monday, August 28, 2006


So the biggest problem I am facing now shouldn't really be a problem. Or at least it wouldn't be for someone who isn't writing a sci-fi novel based on another planet with two sub-races of human beings.

Work is fine, I have a test to do tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. It's my writing....

I'm at an awkward stage in my novel. I have the travel parts broken down into two main periods. I'm in the middle of the first one and I'm stuck. The main point of the chapter is to show that my main character is getting sick and to get someone who hates her race to not hate her so much.

So what did I go and do? I created a scene where my main character is talking to everyone but the guy who hates her. I've made my life very complicated by giving these two characters such strong personalities. He won't come near her, mostly because he's embarrassed because of what he said to her. And while she is curious about the people around her, confrontation isn't in her nature, or how she was raised. Somehow somewhere someone has to give... or maybe I can get someone else to make the start.

Hmmm. Something to think about. Not entirely sure what'll happen but that's the joy and pain of writing. If I didn't love it so much I'd dislike it. (Hate being too strong of a word)

'Till Later,


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