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Tuesday, August 29, 2006


So my boss wanted me to apply for a job pool. You see, he can't hire me full time unless I'm in that pool.

So I was screened in. Alright. First part down.

Second part was today, the Word usage and Typing test. Well, I guess nerves caught up to me. I passed the Word test, but I fail the typing test. The minimum was 35 WPM I somehow ended up with 30. I don't know how considering that is all I do all day long is type.

So what now? Well the lady was nice enough to say she would look into it, and see what she could do. Until then, I guess I'll hope that my boss doesn't find out until she contacts me (which isn't very likely). Oh well, I know I've got a job for the next 2 1/2 months at least.

On the plus side I figured out what I'm doing in my troublesome chapter. I get the guy's sister (the guy who hates my main character) to get them to talk to each other after a storm. Hehehe. I like her, she made everything much easier. And it means that I can get out of this rut i'm in.

Have to take the good with the bad, right? At least I'm not the only one. Another temp in my office had to take the test too. The minimum accuracy on the typing test was 95% he got 93%. He got the same speech from the lady, so we'll see.

Oh and in case your wondering (which I'm sure your not) I don't have the internet at home yet, so I can only do these entries from work (on my breaks of course).

Well, best get back to it.


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