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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

In The Begining...

So why start a blog?

I know people who have blogs. Many people who have them say they are a good release for what goes on in their lives. Others, who I'm sure I'll relate to more, say it a good excuse to not write.

You see I'm an author. No, I'm not published yet, but stranger things have happened :-) I'm part of a writing group, I try to write part of my novel everyday, and I'm serious about what I'm writing... doesn't that make me an author?

I also have a day job. It's annoying to me that I need one, but everyone has bills to pay. At least I know deep down in my heart what I want to do with my life. I think that puts me a little bit a head of the game. It's just the starting off stuff...

I'm working as a temp right now. Receptionist for the Government. I keep hearing rumors that they want to make me permanent, or that they are trying to work something out. I wouldn't care really except for the whole benefits and knowing where you work kind of thing. I like having all my bases covered. I'm a cautious person. Which is why I HATE interviews.

I have one tomorrow. My mom tells me that she really wants me to work there, and their benefits do rival the government's (which is hard to do) but I'm not sure.

I'm not sure about a lot of things right now. The only thing I'm sure of is that I'm on Chapter 5 of my Novel, and today I'm starting a blog. Will I continue with it after today? Depends on my mood. We'll see.

'Til then,


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