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Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Did I mention that I hate Mondays?

I know today is Tuesday, but I have news from yesterday.

Got home from work and there was a form rejection letter from Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, waiting for me in the mail. I guess they didn't like "Broadcasting Live" (that's the short story that was once called "Pain and Blood"). This is its second rejection so I think I will have a few of my writer friends look at it and tell me what they think. I had a few people read through it before, but maybe it needs a little more work before I send it out a third time.

After reading the paper mail, I checked my email. There was a lovely email from the 3 Day Novel contest, announcing the winners. I wasn't one of them. I didn't even make the short list, or get an honorable mention. Oh well. I was thinking about turning my submission "Beloved Child" into a comic book script to see what happens. Now, I can go ahead and give it a try.

I had dinner after checking my emails, and then locked myself in my office (aka the spare bedroom) to write. It was one of my new writing days, so I tried to forget all the other stuff and just wrote.

Word Count:
Monday - 1,329 words

Not bad for 1.5 hours on a Monday night. It's actually really good.

Ok, so it wasn't the best Monday in the world but at least I got a good bit of writing done and I know what I'm going to do with the rejected stories that have come home.

Tuesday should be better.



Roxanne said...

Tuesdays are always better missy. And Good On You for sticking to your writing schedule, in the midst of birthdays (good stuff) and rejections (minor stuff that you will conquer if it gets in your way) .....

Chandra Rooney said...

Things can only get better, right? Sometimes it's not about the story, but the editor who rejected it. The ones that come back just haven't found the right home yet.