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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Good Rejection from OnSpec

Yesterday was a Library day. Normally a very good day, and it was in more ways than one.

First off, let's get the word count out of the way....

Word Count:

Tuesday - 497 words (not bad for being sick)
Wednesday - 1,181 words

Yesterday was a very good day for writing, however I also got a rejection letter from OnSpec in the mail (I've had quite a few of those recently).

This one, however, was very good. No they didn't say that I was a fantastic writer but regrettably they could not publish my master piece (I'm not that delusional). They did, however, give me two lines of 'to-the-point' comments that really made me think. They asked me a question that showed me one of two things. 1) I had a serious flaw in my logic, or 2) I wasn't showing my audience what was really going on and so it came across like a had a major flaw in my logic.

Either way, I will have to go back into this story and take a good hard look at it. I am very grateful that they took a few moments out of their day to tell me what they really thought of my story. I don't think I'm very thick skinned, but I know that I need these comments to grow as a writer. Thus, the more comments I get the better writer I will become.

Thanks again to the OnSpec staff who wrote that comment.

Tonight I write some more on Ice Debt. Wow, four days in a row. Do you think I can do it?


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