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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sick, But On Track

I think I've been keeping to my new schedule pretty good. I cheated a bit on Wednesday and Thursday, and I didn't write over the weekend (don't I get a break on my Birthday?), but I still think I'm doing good.

Word Count:

Wednesday - 25 words, then worked on layout and content for my writing website revamp
Thursday - More layout and content work
Monday - 851 words

At least I did something writing related on those days.

I'm home sick today, so I'll keep this short and sweet. Besides, my stomach hurts... stupid stomach flu.

I'll be trying to write this afternoon, but no guarantees. It's not a scheduled writing day and I'm sick, so we'll see.



PS: No time line yet on when the website revamp will be done, but I'll keep you posted.

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