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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


As confirmed by my tutor today, I have a plot for my novel (or the beginings of one at least).

I don't know if he realizes how I was waiting on his response. Oh, I did a little jump for joy when I got my email with this written on the bottom:

I agree, you might need a more villainous villain,
but now I see a plot emerging. Well done!

Well, now that I have confirmation that I now have a plot, I can get into it. I'm not sure yet whether a re-write is in order, or if I should just keep going on and work on the begining once I'm done. Have to think about that one.

I plan on working on it tonight so hopefully I will let you know soon which road I'm going down.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tutor Trauma & A Second Wind

I don't think I've written on here since my tutor got back to me. I guess this is a break down of what happened.

I had no plot, which is kind of vital if you're writing a story. Turns out I was afraid it was too dark and wouldn't sell because of it, so I tried to make it 'happier' when really I just took out all the major problems that would have propelled my plot forward. So, after I had myself a good cry (Hey, this is my baby being ripped apart), I had a chat with a good friend of mine - and fellow author. We hacked and ripped at this story until I found the dark again... and it's quite dark.

I think I've created a monster. I always wanted the story to be a 'coming of age' type story. Meek becomes strong, kind of thing. I still have that, but now there is a bad guy trying to kill her and destroy everything she represents.

I think it makes it a lot better, but we'll see what my tutor has to say. I sent him my latest assignment along with the updates to my plot. Hopefully, he'll see a plot now. A week plot is better than no plot... you can always make a weak one stronger but coming up with a plot from nothing is quite a bit harder. I'll keep you posted on his thoughts.

I'm back to writing again. My short story about Tom is now either a novella or a full blown out novel (If that's the case, I won't truly work on it until the 1st draft of Mikayla's story is done). I also have another short story waiting in the background of my mind to hit paper. Things are good. I can feel what long distance runners must feel... that surge of energy right after you though for sure you couldn't run another step. It's an amazing feeling. I can't wait to put this energy to use.

Talk at you soon.


You'll notice there are a few changes on here, inculding making this my official blog. Here's why...

I've created a website of my very own, and this blog is a part of it.

You can expect some changes to take place in the next couple of months, once I purchase a domain to host my website on, but for now it's same old, same old, with a few added extras.

Click on the links in the top left hand corner of the page and it will take you to the pages in my website. I've got a section just for Fun Stuff, check it out when you're bored or in my case trying to not write.

Check out the site and tell me what you think. I'm open to any advise you have for me... I'm no expert when it comes to websites, but I gave it my best shot. I hope you enjoy.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Using a Journal

So it took me a while, but I think I'm out of my slump.

I'm not saying that I have no more doubts about my novel, cause I do, but I can write again. Sort of.

I'm been asking people for advise. My writing group friend/ mentor. My tutor with my course. Even my boyfriend has been subjected to my questioning about "What do I do?"

One of the pieces of advise that I got was about using a journal. I did't know if it would help but I figured it was worth a shot. I found an old scribbler, ripped out the 2 pages that had been used and started fresh. I wrote about 750 words, just about how I was feeling, why I was writing in a journal again, that kind of thing. (I say again because in high school I kept a journal, but when I came home from traveling I hated how stupid I had been back then so I torn it up and burnt it. It was actually very therapeutic.)

(You can see the article that I read here: Use your Journal Article)

It seemed to work. After I finished in my journal, I wrote 1203 words on my short story, one whole section. I only have two more left until the break point (the point were my story goes from part 1 to part 2). I still have the tiny little problem of not knowing what happens in part 2, or how this whole thing ends, but that is not my task for today. Today was just my, "get back into writing day". And it was.

Before I started writing in the journal today, I thought I didn't really need one. I have a blog, isn't that what a blog is for? To let loose the ideas floating in your head? But it's kind of nice to have a place to write down some of my more crazy ideas, my fears and doubts, and not have to worry about everyone in the world (or at least those with Internet access) reading them.

I'm going to try the journal thing. I'll let you know how it turns out, but it can't be all bad if it helped me get through 1203 words in my short story. (about 2 pages single spaced)

