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Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I got an email today. It was from the lady who did my test yesterday.

Apparently, they looked at my situation and deemed me fit to come in for an interview. I go do that next week on Tuesday. Interview - Step 3.

The Fourth Step, if they deem me worthy of passing the 3rd, will be a referral and thus a second interview. I'm not worried about that one. It'll be with my boss, and me and him get along fine. I just have to get past the 1st one.


It's mid week and I'm actually quite busy. They changed around some of my responsibilities and now I have a whole lot of work to do... Which means less time writing my novel. I guess that's the way it normally goes. It sucks because I don't really have time to write after work either. I guess a balance will have to be found.

Well, I'm off for the day. I'm going to see if I can't squeeze in a few pages tonight.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006


So my boss wanted me to apply for a job pool. You see, he can't hire me full time unless I'm in that pool.

So I was screened in. Alright. First part down.

Second part was today, the Word usage and Typing test. Well, I guess nerves caught up to me. I passed the Word test, but I fail the typing test. The minimum was 35 WPM I somehow ended up with 30. I don't know how considering that is all I do all day long is type.

So what now? Well the lady was nice enough to say she would look into it, and see what she could do. Until then, I guess I'll hope that my boss doesn't find out until she contacts me (which isn't very likely). Oh well, I know I've got a job for the next 2 1/2 months at least.

On the plus side I figured out what I'm doing in my troublesome chapter. I get the guy's sister (the guy who hates my main character) to get them to talk to each other after a storm. Hehehe. I like her, she made everything much easier. And it means that I can get out of this rut i'm in.

Have to take the good with the bad, right? At least I'm not the only one. Another temp in my office had to take the test too. The minimum accuracy on the typing test was 95% he got 93%. He got the same speech from the lady, so we'll see.

Oh and in case your wondering (which I'm sure your not) I don't have the internet at home yet, so I can only do these entries from work (on my breaks of course).

Well, best get back to it.


Monday, August 28, 2006

Encryptor Retreat

9 days, 229 hours, 13790 minutes

Can you tell I'm excited?

My writing group is having a retreat on Sept 7th. It'll be good to hang around other people who have dealt with similar writing problems. Such as my current character issues. Who knows, maybe we'll learn something from each other?

Anyway, back to the grind,



So the biggest problem I am facing now shouldn't really be a problem. Or at least it wouldn't be for someone who isn't writing a sci-fi novel based on another planet with two sub-races of human beings.

Work is fine, I have a test to do tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. It's my writing....

I'm at an awkward stage in my novel. I have the travel parts broken down into two main periods. I'm in the middle of the first one and I'm stuck. The main point of the chapter is to show that my main character is getting sick and to get someone who hates her race to not hate her so much.

So what did I go and do? I created a scene where my main character is talking to everyone but the guy who hates her. I've made my life very complicated by giving these two characters such strong personalities. He won't come near her, mostly because he's embarrassed because of what he said to her. And while she is curious about the people around her, confrontation isn't in her nature, or how she was raised. Somehow somewhere someone has to give... or maybe I can get someone else to make the start.

Hmmm. Something to think about. Not entirely sure what'll happen but that's the joy and pain of writing. If I didn't love it so much I'd dislike it. (Hate being too strong of a word)

'Till Later,


Thursday, August 24, 2006


I wanted to keep this but I didn't know where I could. Then I remembered I have a blog, so i'll put it here.

I found this "Adjusted" quote on an old friend of mine's blog. He took out all the references to God, not that i'm against the big guy or anything, but this way anyone can enjoy it's value. I don't talk to this old friend anymore but I read his blog every once and a while, just to check up on him. If he knew that he'd just shake his head and say something jokingly-mean about me in his next entry. Anyway, here is the quote.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

'til later,


The very next day.

I went to the interview today.

I already called and withdrew my resume from consideration. It seems fate is keeping me at my present job for a reason. Whatever that might be I'm not sure. I do know that I get to write a little bit of my novel each day here... in my spare time of course.

So what now? Do I stop trying to get a permanent job and stay here, where I don't know if I'll still have a job in three months? Sure.

I guess what it really means is that I should stop thinking about "what if's" and start thinking about "right now's"? It's a hard thing to do... live in the moment I mean.

I'm also sick. I've been sick for the past few weeks now. Upset stomach junk. In fact my boyfriend and I were worried for a little bit there that I might be pregnant since my symptoms were very similar to morning sickness. That would have been interesting. I'm not by the way.

My boyfriend and I live together. Have been for a little while now. I like it because he takes care of me, and encourages me to write. I know a lot of women out there like being strong and independent. "Don't need a man for anything except..." well you get the point. But I like not having to be superwoman around him. I can just be an ordinary mortal, with extraordinary writing abilities.

Can you tell I write sci-fi and fantasy?

Well, best get back into reality for a bit. We'll see if anything of interest happens tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

In The Begining...

So why start a blog?

I know people who have blogs. Many people who have them say they are a good release for what goes on in their lives. Others, who I'm sure I'll relate to more, say it a good excuse to not write.

You see I'm an author. No, I'm not published yet, but stranger things have happened :-) I'm part of a writing group, I try to write part of my novel everyday, and I'm serious about what I'm writing... doesn't that make me an author?

I also have a day job. It's annoying to me that I need one, but everyone has bills to pay. At least I know deep down in my heart what I want to do with my life. I think that puts me a little bit a head of the game. It's just the starting off stuff...

I'm working as a temp right now. Receptionist for the Government. I keep hearing rumors that they want to make me permanent, or that they are trying to work something out. I wouldn't care really except for the whole benefits and knowing where you work kind of thing. I like having all my bases covered. I'm a cautious person. Which is why I HATE interviews.

I have one tomorrow. My mom tells me that she really wants me to work there, and their benefits do rival the government's (which is hard to do) but I'm not sure.

I'm not sure about a lot of things right now. The only thing I'm sure of is that I'm on Chapter 5 of my Novel, and today I'm starting a blog. Will I continue with it after today? Depends on my mood. We'll see.

'Til then,
