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Thursday, February 21, 2008

House Update

So the house I mentioned in the last post.... It was not meant to be.

Counter offers and Counter-Counter Offers flew back and forth throughout the day, but in the end we couldn't get it for what we wanted to pay. So, we walked away.

I'm fine with it. Really :)

There are a ton of homes on the market right now, so we are sure to find a house we want to buy and for the price we want to pay.

I haven't written at all this week. I was so stressed out from putting an offer in, that I couldn't even remember what my story was supposed to be about. That's pretty bad.

Any way, things should calm down soon. We're looking at houses today and Saturday. I'll let you know if anything interesting happens.


1 comment:

Chandra Rooney said...

Keep looking. There's got to be a perfect house for you. :)