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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bought a House

Well it's done.

We finally found a house... here's the funny thing, it's the same house that I talked about in the last two posts.

Turns out they were tired of having to wait on the market for so long. Their realtor called ours and said they'd be willing to take our last counter offer. $15,000 under the original asking price (they reduced the price twice since we walked away).

It's still the best house we've seen with the cheapest price tag. So of course we jumped on the opportunity.

Last night we put in a formal offer, and they accepted (minus one small date change we were willing to accept). Now comes the Home Inspection, getting the Finances and getting Possession of the home on April 15th. That's only 5 weeks away. Wow.

I'm still not as excited as I think I should be. Perhaps it will all sink in when the Mortgage comes through and I actually have to pay for the house. :)

As for my writing, well you could say that it's suffered. The Week of February 18 -24 I wrote no words. Last week (February 25 - March 2) had the following:

Word Count:
Wednesday - 1,108 words on Ice Debt

This week I give no guarantees on my productivity, at least not until the final conditions come off the home offer (March 13). After that, I should finally be able to get back into writing.

Hope you have a great day, and for you writers out there... Have a Fantastic Writing Day!



Chandra Rooney said...

Congratulations on the house. :)

What is a "no plot" project? Is it writing without a pre-plotted idea?

Tina Hunter said...

Thanks Chandra.

As for the No-Plot Project... it is basically what you described. It's a random idea that I just starting writing... to see what happens. I'm normally very detailed in my plots, so this is something new. To see if I need all that plot to start out. Right now my No-Plot Project has the working title of "Ice Debt".

Thanks for the comment.