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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Jan 28- Feb 3 Word Count

This past week was almost a write off in regards to writing.

Word Count:
Tuesday - 1,062 words on a new short story
Wednesday - 680 words on Ice Debt

I was sick on Monday and Tuesday again. I guess I hadn't healed completely from the week before.

Thursday and Friday were stressful days at work. By the time I go home all I wanted to do was relax. And over the weekend, D and I spent our time looking at houses again (and hanging out with friends).

Still... having said all of that, I started writing Chapter three on Wednesday. Not bad for a month's work on this no-plot-project.

Looks like my 'day job' work will calm down this week, so I should be able to get in some good writing days.

Hope you're having a good one,


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