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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

3-Day Check List

My preparation check list for the 3-Day Novel Contest:

√ Finished my outline for "Beloved Child"
√ Got a desk for the spare bedroom
√ Got a laptop for the spare bedroom
_ Need to set up the spare bedroom with my new desk and laptop
_ Need to buy healthy snacks for the weekend
_ Need to figure out what D is doing for the weekend (so I know if I'll be home alone or not)
_ Need to clean the apartment so I'm not tempted to do it over the weekend

I should have all of this done by the end of the week. It is only Tuesday.

I hope to update you on my word counts throughout the contest, but I won't guarantee it. I will be working in a room with no Internet (because I get distracted easy), so my online time will be limited to an hour or so a day. I'll try and let you know how I'm doing, but it may just be after the fact.

If you are doing the 3-day novel contest, good luck. If not, please be cheerleaders for those of us risking our sanity to participate. Have a good one.


PS: I received my USA stamps, finally, so "Pain and Blood"(my 2nd short story) is now on it's way to Analog Magazine. Cross your fingers for me.

1 comment:

E.C.Bell said...

Sounds like a good check list to me. And I wish you good luck with not recleaning your apartment, and spending a LOT more than an hour a night on the internet during the 3 day! Avoidance and procrastination are not your friends, as much as you'd like to pretend they are!

Have a ton of fun. Have you signed on to the community board yet? Go to the 3 day website -- the connection should be at the top right. It's nice to be able to touch base and see how others are doing. You also dont' feel quite so alone at three in the morning.