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Friday, January 19, 2007


So here's the plan....

I don't have one.

It been a while since i've written any new words in my novel. I wrote a short story, and worked on my plot, but my novel seems to have lost all momentum. The plot is essentially the same as it was before, just minor changes with respect to logistics or character personalities that weren't 100% clear in the beginning (see What's new crazy lady? post).

I'm working on unit 4 of my 12 unit course. Funny thing... in this unit he says that a well laid out and planned novel will never have characters running away on you (didn't this just happen to me?). No arguing allowed, the author is Law. Maybe I really should stop for a while.

I've been thinking about trying to stop writing my novel for a bit. I sort of did that with the short story... which is really a teaser to a much larger story because I don't really know how to make a story that is still interesting but only 6000 - 7000 words long. (maybe I can make it a two part story...) I'm thinking that right now maybe I need something more. Some guidance to help me figure out what I'm missing. Isn't that what people do? Find mentors?

I had/ have one in my writing group. She's a wonderful writer, beautiful writing to describe amazing places. She's had a few things published, but not a novel. She doesn't make a living writing, just yet. I know she'll make it, but I'm from the generation that wants things done now. We're impatient. Perhaps I need a mentor that can get me there sooner.

Back to school then.

I'm working on Unit 4 this weekend, planning on handing it in (via email) to my tutor on Monday. From there we'll see how things go. I want to finish this novel. I know I can.

Powers that Be help me get there, because right now I'm floundering.


1 comment:

E.C.Bell said...

Here's the funny thing, Dust. You are doing it, believe it or not. You've started some good stuff -- but you can't just start. You have to finish. And then you have to get it out there. That's what I rarely did -- get my stuff out there. Hey, what I did get out stuck (actually got paid a few times, glory be) but I never made a concerted effort. I'd get a rejection, and stop, crushed. Until I just had to write, and then I'd start again. That was NOT the way to build a career.
If you want to make this your life, then just start doing it. Even when you don't want to. Even when you think it's the dumbest idea you've ever had in your life. It isn't just the writing. It's getting your words out there. THAT's when the magic starts to happen. Or so I've been told, ha ha.
So, you have to find good places for your work to go -- then finish your work and send it out. When you get a rejection, send it back out. And back out. And back out.
OK, enough from me. Oh by the way, sent out a short story. Now it's your turn!