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Friday, November 10, 2006


I would just like to take this opportunity to send a thanks out to Woman of Words and Ryan. Both of your comments were helpful.

W.o.W., our little mutual goal seems to be slipping to the way side, what with life taking over and all, but it still is a good idea. I hope to be sending you a word count soon.

Ryan, thanks for stopping by. Us writers have to stick together, support each other and what not. Your advise was/ is taken, and hopefully when I get going again I'll just be writing, not editing at the same time.

Like most things in life, Life seems to get in the way. Errands to run, people to visit, groceries to buy. When the time I have after work is whittled down like that, I've got two choices. Make time by waking up early or staying up late. Or, just write on the weekends.

Right now I'm going to try for the weekends. After a while who knows… I do have Monday off, while my boyfriend has to work. A whole day to myself, and I plan on filling it with Writing.

Well, that’s all I've got right now. I'll keep you updated…. Seems like I write here about as often as I write at home. Let's hope that changes!


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