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Thursday, August 14, 2008


I haven't been very good at updating you since I got my website up and running. Here's an update:

Last week I only wrote 592 works on Ice Debt. I've been distracted with our new puppy (who requires lots of attention, but is otherwise a happy guy) and the hope of starting work on my Graphic Novel Project.

This project may not be a go. Unfortunately, the artist I was supposed to meet with hasn't gotten back to me in three weeks. That's normally a sign of either a) he's too busy, so how much time would he really have to work on this project? or b) he's not really interested.

Oh well. I have other contacts I haven't bugged to see if they know of any graphic artists, maybe I should go back to doing that?

On a happier note, I picked up a beautiful desk the other day and we set it up last night. I've cleared a bunch of junk out of the spare bedroom and it's starting to look like a real office. It's strange how psychological writing can be. Now that I have a space almost ready for me to work in, I feel like I could write more and better.

Perhaps this is the beginning of a boost in my productivity?

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

oh yes - any boosts in productivity need to be encouraged :) i hope it does indeed do that!