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Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Starting Point

So I didn't write much this past week. 1398 words on Thursday was about it.

Still, that means my starting point is:

20,900 words

I think that's a pretty good spot to be. So far this morning I've only written 1,466 words, but I do have a very needy puppy to pay attention to as well. D comes home from work shortly and I'll have the rest of the day to write by myself.

Much luck to everyone writing their hearts out this weekend. I'm eating lunch and diving back into it.



Thursday, August 28, 2008

3 Day Novel

So the three day novel contest has arrived. Kick off is tomorrow at midnight.

And I won't be partaking in the fun this year... not as a contestant anyway.

I will be locking myself in a room for three days. I will be writing feverishly. I will probably go insane by the end of it (just like last year). But I will be working on my novel, not a new project that I will submit to the contest.

For those of you partaking, I'm right there with you. Feeling your pain, rubbing the same blood shot, exhausted eyes.

For those of you not partaking, why they heck not? Ok, fine. I realize not everyone is up to the challenge of writing a novel in three days.

My goal is not really a word count goal. My goal is to get as much done as humanly possible in three days. Last year I wrote 20,000 words, so I know that amount is humanly possible... maybe more is too.

I'll give you all a word count update tomorrow on the words I've done up until Friday at midnight. Then we'll know what I'm going into the weekend with.

I wish all participants the best of luck... please wish me luck too.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Word Count: Aug 18-24

Here's an update on my word count last week.

Word Count:

Tuesday: 1,350 words
Wednesday: Research
Thursday: 614 words
Friday: Editing

Total for the week (Mon - Sun): 3,287 words on Ice Debt

Not bad. I'd say it's a pretty good increase from last week at 194 words.

I'll be in touch soon.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Over the weekend

This weekend wasn't the greatest for productivity, as much as I may have hoped for it, but it is starting to pick up.

Word Count:
Saturday - 194 words on Ice Debt
Monday - 1,328 words on Ice Debt

Not bad all things considered. It was a stressful weekend with our puppy having complications from having his dew claws removed on Aug 8. He's better now, but we didn't sleep much.

I also went to a wedding this weekend. A friend of mine from Jr. High invited me to her beautiful wedding. It was great to see her again, and so happy.

My office is coming closer to completion. Only shelves to put up on the walls and a drawer unit left to purchase and install. These two things might take some time, but the space is working better than ever before already.

I'll keep you posted.


PS: To those of you living in the Edmonton Area... Wow, talk about the heat. I'm actually glad that its going to rain for the next couple of days. I love the heat, but plus 36 is a little too hot even for me.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I haven't been very good at updating you since I got my website up and running. Here's an update:

Last week I only wrote 592 works on Ice Debt. I've been distracted with our new puppy (who requires lots of attention, but is otherwise a happy guy) and the hope of starting work on my Graphic Novel Project.

This project may not be a go. Unfortunately, the artist I was supposed to meet with hasn't gotten back to me in three weeks. That's normally a sign of either a) he's too busy, so how much time would he really have to work on this project? or b) he's not really interested.

Oh well. I have other contacts I haven't bugged to see if they know of any graphic artists, maybe I should go back to doing that?

On a happier note, I picked up a beautiful desk the other day and we set it up last night. I've cleared a bunch of junk out of the spare bedroom and it's starting to look like a real office. It's strange how psychological writing can be. Now that I have a space almost ready for me to work in, I feel like I could write more and better.

Perhaps this is the beginning of a boost in my productivity?