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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Website

So after months of me promising a new website, it's done... kind of. is live on the net. You can check it out whenever you'd like. I warn you though, there are still some glitches that need to be worked out and some pages that aren't finished yet.

For example, I'm having trouble right now when people want to join my forum. Because the page on my website that you see the forum on isn't the source site, you have to open any of the links in a new page in order to post or log in. However, you can see the forum, and read any of the pages without leaving my site.

I also don't have the contact me page finished yet, nor has the blogging feature been uploaded onto my site yet (not my fault, that's the hosting companies problem). Once the feature is there, I'll be transferring this blog over to my website.

So, take a look and tell me what you think. I am flexible, and would love to know what your thoughts are.




Don't Feed The Pixies said...

i think the website looks pretty groovy, but if you haven't had anything published yet i wouldn't draw so much attention to it - why not put some brief snippets and comments from readers on instead (even if you have to get family - though my family tend to provide comments of the "great, great, wow - what was it about?" variety)

Roxanne said...

i also think the website looks very groovy :) and all the different sections look great ...

use the website as a way to build some fans of your writing, so that maybe you could even self-publish (I know people who have done that). I think you could also put snippets of your work to tempt them to see what you're about (and provide motivation for you to finish your work - which is always my problem!)

Roxanne said...

p.s. tina - i forgot to thank you for your comment on my blog ... why does it not suprise me that we - in the end - have the same goal - "resonance" or identifying the sameness in humanity?

here's a toast to our similar goals! (hope you had a chance to write this week)