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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

3-Day Check List

My preparation check list for the 3-Day Novel Contest:

√ Finished my outline for "Beloved Child"
√ Got a desk for the spare bedroom
√ Got a laptop for the spare bedroom
_ Need to set up the spare bedroom with my new desk and laptop
_ Need to buy healthy snacks for the weekend
_ Need to figure out what D is doing for the weekend (so I know if I'll be home alone or not)
_ Need to clean the apartment so I'm not tempted to do it over the weekend

I should have all of this done by the end of the week. It is only Tuesday.

I hope to update you on my word counts throughout the contest, but I won't guarantee it. I will be working in a room with no Internet (because I get distracted easy), so my online time will be limited to an hour or so a day. I'll try and let you know how I'm doing, but it may just be after the fact.

If you are doing the 3-day novel contest, good luck. If not, please be cheerleaders for those of us risking our sanity to participate. Have a good one.


PS: I received my USA stamps, finally, so "Pain and Blood"(my 2nd short story) is now on it's way to Analog Magazine. Cross your fingers for me.

Monday, August 27, 2007

3-Day Count Down

5 more sleeps until it's time to play the 'lets-write-a-novel-in-3-days' game.

I'm excited... and nervous... and wondering what I was thinking when I signed up for this, but I'll be fine. This is a great experience, and have a great idea, and all I have to do now is sit down and write.

So way does it seem so hard?

Update: In the past week, I have created an entire species history for the Vinlue (my alien race in 'White Cats and Suicide'). I have also plotted out the first 7 chapters of 'Love Light Rising', but the rest of it will have to wait until after the weekend. For the rest of this week, I plan on plotting out my 3-day fantasy novel idea 'Beloved Child', and preparing for the 3-day. Busy, Busy, Busy.

On a side note, check out this website This Canadian site lets people vote on comic book ideas that they would like to see developed. I'm not normally a comic book fan, but this looks like a pretty cool interactive site.

Have a great writing day,


Monday, August 20, 2007

Con-Version 23

OK. Here is my attempt at explaining what happened this weekend.

Friday, we (two members of my writing support group, Eileen and Billie, and myself) arrived in Calgary around 2pm. We settled in and went down to registered around 4pm. There wasn't a lot of people around yet, but I guess not a lot of people show up on the Friday.

The opening ceremonies were at 7pm, and we got to meet all the guests of honor. Brian Hades from EDGE announced that they were merging with Dragon Moon books. We were the first ones to hear the news.

After the ceremonies we went to the dealers room to see who was selling what. Brian Hades was there with his team (Janice and Justyn from Marketing, and his lovely wife Anita) and our picture was taken with them for the EDGE newsletter. Eileen, Billie and myself hung around and chatted with them for a while. What amazing people. Really good natured and open. Brian and I chatted about my work and about the fact that I'm new at all of this.

There was a musical at 8pm that was hilarious. It was a mixture of Phantom of the opera and Star Trek, in a completely original script. It was lots of fun. After that, we three headed for our room. We spent a good portion of the night brain storming, and went to bed around midnight.

Saturday, we headed down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Thinking we had more than enough time to eat (it was 9am and the first panel was at 10) we ordered breakfast. We didn't get it until 9:45am. We were a little pissed off to say the least, but we weren't going to let it ruin the day.

The panels I went to were; Current Trends in SF&F for Kids and Teens, Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Introducing EDGE, When Biology Goes Bad, and Historical European Martial Arts. Eileen and Billie when to a few different panels but it was mostly the same ones.

We went for dinner at Tony Roma's with a large group of people from the Con. Eileen knew a few of them from a workshop she had just gone to in Calgary a few days before. The service was much better then at breakfast.

Eileen and I tried to go to the dance that night but it just wasn't our thing. We did end up hanging out in the Con-Suite for a few hours talking to the Biologist from the "When Biology Goes Bad" panel, Bill (William) Gibson. We talked a lot about my novella 'White Cats and Suicide', and he gave me some phenomenal advice. Eileen talked with a gamer who helped her with the world building in her novel 'Virago'. Another late night but some awesome ideas were had by all.

Sunday, there was a brunch provided, and the three of us sat at a table with Brian Hades and team (Janice and Justyn) and Bill Gibson. What a brunch! Ideas and discussions bouncing around the table for an hour and half. But we had to leave and go clean out the room. We checked out and made it to our last two panels; Unconventional Religion and SF, and Alternative Archaeology.

Last but not least was the Blue Pencil Cafe. It was pre-registered 10 minute one-on-one sessions with Brian Hades. It was amazing. He answered all my questions and offered career advice. If you ever get to meet the man, I highly suggest you do. He told me to keep in touch and I planned to.

We didn't leave right after that like we had planned. We actually hung out in the lounge with Justyn for an hour, talking about un-writing-related topics. When we finally left, it was with carry over excitement about our writing.

I did keep in touch with Brian Hades, I emailed him this morning offering to be a volunteer reader for the EDGE (and now Dragon Moon) slush pile. It's a really good opportunity, and he was all for it. I'll get my first package in the mail sometime soon. How exciting. I'm also in touch with Bill Gibson, the genetic biologist from the University of BC. He has fantastic ideas, and really knows how to keep a story real, even if it's science fiction.

Life is good. I'll chat with you soon.



Well things certainly have a way of changing rather quickly.

It's still too soon to go into all the details from the conference, there was just too much going on. However, there was something that happened that was quite profound.

My novel "Athea", the one I have been working on forever, has officially been set aside. I have grown too much in the last while for the writing in it to have kept up, and plot is now too slow and boring for me. I know I can do better. So it is with great respect for everything this novel has helped me learn, that I set it aside. I will come back to it later, but I think I will have to re-work the entire plot.

So, this means I have decided to take on my second novel idea, as my first. "Love Light Rising" needs to be plotted out a bit more, but I think I can start on it soon. Maybe even tonight. Things are exciting. I can write faster now then a could before, and I have a set schedule I can implement to get it done. This novel will not take me very long to finish, and that's a good feeling.

I'll keep you all posted on the developments. (hmm I wonder how my tutor will take this shift in my choice of novel?)


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Week Wrap Up

What a week...

I am officially taking part in the 3-Day Novel Contest. I sent in my registration today.

I also finished editing my short story "Pain and Blood", and I'm just waiting on US stamps to send it out to Analog Magazine.

And... I leave tomorrow to go the the Fantasy and Science Fiction Conference "Con-Version".

"What was that? It just went speeding by?"

"That's just C M Hunt, the author. She's flying."


Monday, August 13, 2007

My 1st Rejection

Well it finally happened.

Today, it is with great pleasure that I share with you the contents of my very first rejection letter from the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. It is a standard "thanks but no thanks letter". Not good, but not bad either.

"Dear Ms. Hunter: Thank you for submitting "Freedom Fire," but I'm going to pass on it. This tale didn't grab my interest, I'm afraid. Good luck to you with this one, and thanks again for sending it our way."

I am proud of this letter because it proves that I have jumped into the game, and that I'm ready to play. The best and only way to fight 'Rejection', is to hit it right back with 'Persistence'. Therefore, it's time to file this letter away and send Freedom Fire on to it's next possible home, ON SPEC.

(And as an FYI, I am sending out Pain and Blood, my second short story, to Analog Magazine on Wednesday.)

As a side note: The Science Fiction and Fantasy Conference is on Friday. I'm getting excited. Looks like there will be time to write while I'm there, as well as before and after the conference. There also seems to be lots of interesting sessions taking place. Right now I want to go to all of them, but I'm sure that once I'm there it'll be easier to pick and choose (I hope). I'll let you know how it goes.

Have a good one,


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

An Update...

Well I certainly let this slip a bit didn't I? Thanks Capt'n for the nudge.

A month has gone by. WOW. Well, what have I done...

I moved, that one should be obvious. We haven't finished unpacking yet but it's starting to feel like home.

I finished 2 short stories. The 1st one, a fantasy, was sent out to a magazine. I should hear back from them in a week or two (they are in New Jersey). The second one is out to my readers, and once I have it back I'll send this one out too. Time to get my name out there.

I've been working on my novel edits as well, but not enough to send chapter 2 to my tutor. Sigh, I'll get on that.

I've also been working on my novella. I'm going to rework the angle a bit and send it to the Writers of the Future contest. Should be interesting. The first place winners (and some times 2nd and 3rd place depending on size) get published in an anthology and all finalists win money. Can't go wrong.

Last, I became a board member for the newly formed Edmonton Writers Centre. I won't write too much about this on here since this is supposed to be about my writing, but I'll direct you the Centre's website once it's up and running.

I think that's all I've done over the last month, writing related. I did go to two weddings, and enjoyed a pig roast weekend with the small community at my step-dad's cabin on the lake, but that's about it.

This month I'm going to the Calgary science fiction and fantasy convention "Con-Version 23". My first Con. I'm very excited. It's only a little over a week away. I'm going to be surrounded by science fiction geeks, H. Potter lovers, fantasy obsessors, and costumed fans. It's going to be great.

I'm also taking part in the 3 day novel contest. It's a crazy event that starts at midnight on August 31st (September 1st really) and lasts until midnight on Monday. The whole labor day long weekend is spent writing a novel. Granted it's a short novel (novella), but it's should be a really neat experience. I already have an idea in place.

Things are really heating up. I get my "Author" picture taken soon, and I'll post it on my website as soon as I have it. I just can't believe how productive I was this past while, even with the stresses of moving. Things are looking up.

I hope you are having a fantastic day.