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Monday, July 09, 2007


Well, I'm not the happiest person on the planet, but I better off than I was on Friday.

We found a place to live. It's not great, but it's not bad either... and it's a roof over my head.

So now that the chaos has been averted, I thank all of you who helped me out over the last week and an half (was it really that short of a time frame?). All your encouraging words, and emails containing millions of ads, was all very appreciated. Thanks.

Onward and forward. Wednesday is Library day and I'm looking forward to getting some writing done, at last. I did manage to throw some researching into the last week, so that it wasn't a complete loss. I'll do some writing on Wednesday, go to a wedding on Friday, and start packing on the weekend. Busy week ahead of me.

In closing, I'll leave you all with an affirmation. These are helpful phrases to help you through just about anything. Here is the one I used this weekend:

I have the strength and courage to face all of life's challenges!

Have a great day!


1 comment:

Capt'n said...

Hey Girl!

How are things? Could we get a little update down here?
