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Wednesday, July 16, 2008


You never know when the people you meet, in the most normal circumstances, will aid you in something you want.

There is a new gentleman who started on my floor, Mike. He doesn't work in my area, or with us at all. In most cases, we would never have spoken. But he is a very outgoing person who likes to laugh with people, chat and say hi. I liked him right away.

After a couple weeks he asked me a question. "So what are your career goals, or do you really like where you are?". I told him the truth. The end goal was to quit my day job and become a writer full time. He didn't laugh.

It took a week (the week before I left) but we finally meet up in the lunch room at the same time, and he asked me all about my writing, what I was doing, how it was going. He was genuinely interested. I was impressed.

I got back from vacation, and poked my head into his office today to say hello. He told me that after our conversation about my writing he had to share it with someone, someone who might understand. He told his friend who just happens to be a graphic artist. I had told Mike that one of my stories, "Beloved Child", I wanted to turn into a graphic novel. His friend is interested, and mentioned that if it was something he couldn't do he has two graphic artist friends ( one already in the comic book industry) who might be interested.

You never know who someone is, or who they know, until it has already worked for or against you.

Moral of the Story: Everyone is valuable. Treat them that way.

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

good moral, my dear!