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Friday, December 22, 2006

Oh Christmas Tree

Yeah OK, so I have no idea why I started this blog singing 'oh Christmas tree'. It is pretty close to the big day though isn't it?

I'm not big on the whole religious meanings behind this time of year (not that I don't respect them, there are just too many to focus on one). So this time of year for me means what I think it should, time for family!

My boyfriend and I are merging family traditions this year. It'll get easier as the years go by, but this is the first year we are really merging and it's kinda cool. It feels like I have 4 families, my Mom's side, my Dad's side (they are divorced and remarried), my boyfriend's immediate family, and his extended family. All of whom I think are great, if not love. No evil mother in-laws here! (Although I'm not to found of the step-mother, too much drama about her and my Mom being best friends before she started dating my Dad)

Sunday, Monday and Boxing day are filled completely with family dinners, brunches, and get together. Lucky for me I also get Wednesday off, while my boyfriend goes to work. I'll be writing. My boss also told me that I can basically write my novel on Thursday and Friday because there will be nothing to do. So by the 30th, we'll see how far I am. Things in my novel are starting to feel like they are becoming clearer. Like I can see what road I've got my characters on. I feel like I can do this again.

Not only that, but I'm getting faster at my day job. What does that mean? Well when you only have a certain amount of work per day, it means that I get time to write at work again. See, good things can happen. I can only imagine what the new year will bring. (I'm wishing for a contract with a publishing company, but what new author isn't?)

Happy Holidays and all that jazz, and if I don't write before then... Happy New Year as well.

From your future favorite Author,


Friday, December 15, 2006

Why Dust (part 2)?

Why did I choose the name I did?

I have another post on here about this. The info in that post is all from the dictionary. So I thought I would add this little tid-bit.

D.U.S.T. also represents a phrase I like to say.

Don't Underestimate Scatterbrained Thoughts!

This phrase pretty much describes me and my writing style completely. Just thought you might find it interesting... Of course now you're probably thinking, "Why the H*** am I even reading this loser's blog" (Sorry can't help you there!)

Anyway, I've got to get back to Chapter 8 (yes I'm back stepping a little bit, but only because I need to add in a very critical scene I didn't realized existed before), so I can finished Chapter 10. Later.
